CSDMS 2013 annual meeting poster Alberto Canestrelli

Presentation provided during CSDMS annual meeting 2013

A volume of fluid method for bank erosion in Delft3D

Alberto Canestrelli, Department of Geosciences, Penn State Univeristy Boulder Pennsylvania, United States. auc26@psu.edu
Rudy Slingerland, Penn State University University Park Pennsylvania, United States. sling@geosc.psu.edu


By using a fixed-mesh approach, morphodynamic models have some difficulty to predict realistic equilibrium hydraulic geometries with vertical banks. In order to properly account for bank erosion without resorting to a complicated moving mesh algorithm, an immersed boundary approach that handles lateral bank retreat through fix computational cells is needed.
One of the main goals of the FESD Delta Dynamics Collaboration is developing a tested, high-resolution quantitative numerical model to predict the coupled morphologic and ecologic evolution of deltas from engineering to geologic time scales. This model should be able to describe the creation and destruction of deltas made of numerous channels, mouth bars, and other channel-edge features, therefore requiring an approach that is able to deal with the disruption, destruction, and creation of sub-aerial land. In principle, these sub-aerial land surfaces can be randomly distributed over the computational domain.
We propose a new approach in Delft3D based on the volume of fluid algorithm, widely used in the literature for tracking moving interfaces between different fluids. We employ this method for implicitly tracking moving bank interfaces. This approach easily handles complicated geometries and can easily tackle the problem of merging or splitting of dry regions characterized by vertical vegetated banks.

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