CSDMS 2010 meeting


Community Surface Dynamic Modeling System Meeting 2010:
“Modeling for Environmental Change”

Image courtesy of: Definitive HDR

Community Surface Dynamic Modeling System Meeting 2010:
“Modeling for Environmental Change”


Keynote talks

Arango, Hernan Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Ashton, Andrew Delta morphodynamics: coupling fluvial, coastal, marine processes and human influences on large deltas
Burgess, Peter State of Art in Carbonate Modeling
Campbell, Karen Taking it to the Streets: The Case for Modeling in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Clow, Gary Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF) for Surface Dynamics and Environmental Change Studies
Famigletti, Jay CSDMS Support for the Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform (CHyMP)
Friedrichs, Carl Application of CSDMS to Chesapeake Bay Models
Liu, Yonggang Gulf oil spill
Norris, Boyana High-Performance Component-Based Scientific Software Development
Parker, Gary The Morphodynamics e-book: A labor of love that never quite gets finished
Rugaber, Spencer Framework Modeling
Tucker, Greg Terrestrial surface-dynamics modeling: lessons and capabilities


Balaji, Pavan HPCC Clinic I: Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI (Level I)
Overeem, Irina Clinic: Using the CSDMS Modeling Tool
Peckham, Scott CSDMS Developer Clinic

Breakout groups

Presented by Title ppt(x) / zip pdf
1st breakout group Delta morphodynamics: coupling fluvial, coastal, marine processes and human influences on large deltas Presentation.zip Presentation.pdf
2nd breakout group Couplings between physical, biological and human processes in earth surface & ocean dynamics
3rd breakout group Landscapes into rock
1st breakout group Delta morphodynamics: coupling fluvial, coastal, marine processes and human influences on large deltas Presentation.zip Presentation.pdf
2nd breakout group Couplings between physical, biological and human processes in earth surface & ocean dynamics Presentation1.zip
3rd breakout group Landscapes into rock Presentation.ppt Presentation.pdf
1st breakout group CSDMS 5yr plan: "Strategies for Improving CSDMS Communication and Community" Presentation.ppt Presentation.pdf
2nd breakout group CSDMS 5yr plan: "Education and Knowledge Transfer Strategies" Presentation.ppt Presentation.pdf
3rd breakout group CSDMS 5yr plan: "CSDMS Cyberinfrastructure: Expanding our Reach" Presentation.ppt Presentation.pdf


Is your poster not displayed below? Please email your poster to Albert:kettner@colorado.edu. We can open a FTP site for you if the poster is to large to email. Thank you!

Author(s) Title Download (pdf)
Jenkins, Chris
Potts, Donald
Burgess, Peter
Modeling Benthic Carbonate Sedimentation on Biological Principles
Barnhart, Katy
Anderson, Robert
Overeem, Irina
Wobus, Cameron
Clow, Gary
Exploring the controls on permafrost coastal bluff retreat rate, North Slope, Alaska
Murray, Brad
McNamara, Dylan
Smith, Marty
Gopalakrishnan, Sathya
Orbach, Mike
Ramus, Joe
Slott, Jordan
Ashton, Andrew
With Sea‐Level Rise and Changing Storms, Humans React to Shoreline Erosion — But Shorelines React Back
Upton, Phaedra
Orpin, Alan
Litchfield, Nicola
Kettner, Albert
Hicks, Murray
Vandergoes, Marcus
Modelling suspended sediment loads: Insight into the past and future of the Waipaoa catchment, North Island, New Zealand
Safak, Ilgar
Sahin, Cihan
Sheremet, Alex
Hsu, Tian-Jian
Allison, Mead
Observations and modeling of cohesive seafloor response to energetic surface waves on the Louisiana Shelf
Cohen, Sagy
Kettner, Albert
Syvitski, James
Modeling global scale Sediment Flux, a new component in the spatially distributed Framework for Aquatic Modeling of Earth System (FrAMES)
Nasr-Azadani, Mohamad
Meiburg, Eckart
TURBINS: An Immersed Boundary, Navier-Stokes Code for the Simulation of Gravity and Turbidity Currents Interacting with Complex Topographies
Jose, Felix
Stone, Gregory
Kobashi, Daijiro
Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Modeling for Tiger and Trinity Shoals off the Louisiana Coast
Friedrichs, Carl
Sura Modeling Testbed Estuarine Hypoxia Team
Chesapeake Bay Hydrodynamic and Hypoxia Modeling Intercomparison: Initial Results
Lutzmann, Silke
Kettner, Albert
Modeling Discharge and Sediment Flux of the Rhine River, Central Europe during the Holocene

Pictures of the meeting

CSDMS Meeting 2010

Meeting information

CSDMS Meeting 2010: Modeling for Environmental Change took place from October 14-17, 2010 in San Antonio, Texas. The meeting brought together CSDMS members to present scientific insights in the modeling of surface dynamics and environmental change; new advances in cyber-infrastructure (CSDMS Model-coupling Tool, HPC techniques); development and use of CSDMS models in education (short clinics on EKT products); and allowed the CSDMS Working Groups and Focus Research Groups to strategize on the direction of CSDMS for the next 5 years (i.e., the CSDMS Strategic Plan and Renewal.)

CSDMS Meeting 2010: First Circular (posted May 20, 2010)
CSDMS Meeting 2010: Second Circular (posted August 14, 2010)
CSDMS Meeting 2010: Third Circular (posted August 16, 2010)

For daily schedule of keynotes, clinics, poster sessions, etc.:
CSDMS Meeting 2010: Daily Schedule (updated October 14, 2010)

Feedback Form:
CSDMS Meeting 2010: Feedback Form

Reimbursement Process:
Confirmed and qualified participants have received details regarding their reimbursement amount. Qualified participants are those who have met the criteria for reimbursement. (Exceptions have been previously made with some participants. If you are unsure of your arrangement, please contact CSDMS at: csdms@colorado.edu)

Airfare Reimbursement: We might be able to accommodate a few participants over the stated airfare amount depending on others receiving fares well below that amount. Please note that we are constrained to only provide reimbursement after the meeting (a process that may take 4-5 weeks), and we require original receipts. Email proof is fine -- but proof of payment must be evident. Please purchase your tickets early. Thank you.

Miscellaneous Expense Reimbursement: Reimbursement of the stated amount for miscellaneous expenses follow the same guidelines as stated in the Airfare Reimbursement section. Additionally, meal reimbursements must include an itemized meal ticket along with the payment receipt, and we are only able to reimburse meal amounts according to the federal regulations regarding limits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner per U.S. city. We are unable to reimburse alcohol expenses.

Following the meeting, original receipts that demonstrate proof of payment may be mailed to CSDMS at this address:

University of Colorado at Boulder
UCB 545
Boulder, Colorado 80309

Thank you.