References CICE
Publication(s) | Year | Type | Cited |
Bitz, C.M.; Lipscomb, W.H. 1999. An energy-conserving thermodynamic model of sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 104, 15669–15677. 10.1029/1999JC900100 (View/edit entry) | 1999 | Model overview | 506 |
Hunke, E. C.; Dukowicz, J. K.; 1997. An Elastic–Viscous–Plastic Model for Sea Ice Dynamics. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 1849–1867. 10.1175/1520-0485(1997)0272.0.CO;2 (View/edit entry) | 1997 | Model overview | 1169 |
Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Dukowicz, John K.; 2002. The Elastic–Viscous–Plastic Sea Ice Dynamics Model in General Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates on a Sphere—Incorporation of Metric Terms. Monthly Weather Review, 130, 1848–1865. <1848:TEVPSI>2.0.CO;2 10.1175/1520-0493(2002)130<1848:TEVPSI>2.0.CO;2 (View/edit entry) | 2002 | Model overview | 137 |
Lipscomb, William H.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2004. Modeling Sea Ice Transport Using Incremental Remapping. Monthly Weather Review, 132, 1341–1354. <1341:MSITUI>2.0.CO;2 10.1175/1520-0493(2004)132<1341:MSITUI>2.0.CO;2 (View/edit entry) | 2004 | Model overview | 147 |
Lipscomb, W.H. 2001. Remapping the thickness distribution in sea ice models. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 106, 13989–14000. 10.1029/2000JC000518 (View/edit entry) | 2001 | Model overview | 144 |
Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2010. Thickness sensitivities in the CICE sea ice model. Ocean Modelling, 34, 137–149. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.05.004 (View/edit entry) | 2010 | Model overview | 94 |
Jeffery, Nicole; Elliott, Scott M.; Hunke, Elizabeth Clare; Lipscomb, William Henry; Turner, Adrian Keith; 2016. Biogeochemistry of CICE: the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model Documentation and Software User's Manual zbgc_colpkg modifications to Version 5. . (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 198 |
Hewitt, H. T.; Copsey, D.; Culverwell, I. D.; Harris, C. M.; Hill, R. S. R.; Keen, A. B.; McLaren, A. J.; Hunke, E. C.; 2011. Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system. Geoscientific Model Development, 4, 223–253. 10.5194/gmd-4-223-2011 (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 377 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018051412. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Ben Hassine, Haithem; Mathieu, Claude; 2018. Le préfinancement du CICE et ses effets sur l’emploi : une évaluation ex post. Économie & prévision, 0, 37. 10.3917/ecop.214.0037 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Tsamados, Michel; Feltham, Daniel L.; Schroeder, David; Flocco, Daniela; Farrell, Sinead L.; Kurtz, Nathan; Laxon, Seymour W.; Bacon, Sheldon; 2014. Impact of Variable Atmospheric and Oceanic Form Drag on Simulations of Arctic Sea Ice. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44, 1329–1353. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0215.1 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 164 |
Metzger, E. Joseph; Smedstad, Ole Martin; Thoppil, Prasad; Hurlburt, Harley; Cummings, James; Walcraft, Alan; Zamudio, Luis; Franklin, Deborah; Posey, Pamela; Phelps, Michael; Hogan, Patrick; Bub, Frank; DeHaan, Chris; 2014. US Navy Operational Global Ocean and Arctic Ice Prediction Systems. Oceanography, 27, 32–43. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.66 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 218 |
Flocco, Daniela; Feltham, Daniel L.; Turner, Adrian K.; 2010. Incorporation of a physically based melt pond scheme into the sea ice component of a climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C08012. 10.1029/2009JC005568 (View/edit entry) | 2010 | Model application | 110 |
Flocco, Daniela; Schroeder, David; Feltham, Daniel L.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2012. Impact of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice simulations from 1990 to 2007: IMPACT OF MELT PONDS ON ARCTIC SEA ICE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, n/a–n/a. 10.1029/2012JC008195 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 108 |
Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Lidia; Jakacki, Jaromir; Janecki, Maciej; Nowicki, Artur; 2013. Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) – the hydrodynamic part **The original version of this paper appeared in the Geoscientific Model Development Discussion; here, we present the revised version, which takes all the reviewers’ comments into account.The study was support. Oceanologia, 55, 519–541. 10.5697/oc.55-3.519 (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 34 |
Blockley, E. W.; Martin, M. J.; McLaren, A. J.; Ryan, A. G.; Waters, J.; Lea, D. J.; Mirouze, I.; Peterson, K. A.; Sellar, A.; Storkey, D.; 2013. Recent development of the Met Office operational ocean forecasting system: an overview and assessment of the new Global FOAM forecasts. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 6, 6219–6278. 10.5194/gmd-7-2613-2014 (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 193 |
Turner, Adrian K.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Bitz, Cecilia M.; 2013. Two modes of sea-ice gravity drainage: A parameterization for large-scale modeling: GRAVITY DRAINAGE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 2279–2294. 10.1002/jgrc.20171 (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 92 |
Huang, X. M.; Wang, W. C.; Fu, H. H.; Yang, G. W.; Wang, B.; Zhang, C.; 2014. A fast input/output library for high-resolution climate models. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 93–103. 10.5194/gmd-7-93-2014 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 22 |
Girard, L.; Weiss, J.; Molines, J. M.; Barnier, B.; Bouillon, S.; 2009. Evaluation of high-resolution sea ice models on the basis of statistical and scaling properties of Arctic sea ice drift and deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C08015. 10.1029/2008JC005182 (View/edit entry) | 2009 | Model application | 103 |
Tsamados, Michel; Feltham, Daniel; Petty, Alek; Schroeder, David; Flocco, Daniela; 2015. Processes controlling surface, bottom and lateral melt of Arctic sea ice in a state of the art sea ice model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 373, 20140167. 10.1098/rsta.2014.0167 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 66 |
Gao, Guoping; Chen, Changsheng; Qi, Jianhua; Beardsley, Robert C.; 2011. An unstructured-grid, finite-volume sea ice model: Development, validation, and application. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C00D04. 10.1029/2010JC006688 (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 59 |
Plane, Mathieu; 2012. Évaluation de l'impact économique du crédit d'impôt pour la compétitivité et l'emploi (CICE). Revue de l'OFCE, 126, 141. 10.3917/reof.126.0141 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 18 |
Zhang, Yong-Fei; Bitz, Cecilia M.; Anderson, Jeffrey L.; Collins, Nancy S.; Hoar, Timothy J.; Raeder, Kevin D.; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Edward; 2020. Estimating Parameters in a Sea Ice Model using an Ensemble Kalman Filter. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Rae, J. G. L.; Hewitt, H. T.; Keen, A. B.; Ridley, J. K.; West, A. E.; Harris, C. M.; Hunke, E. C.; Walters, D. N.; 2015. Development of the Global Sea Ice 6.0 CICE configuration for the Met Office Global Coupled model. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 2221–2230. 10.5194/gmd-8-2221-2015 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 84 |
Miller, Paul A.; Laxon, Seymour W.; Feltham, Daniel L.; Cresswell, Douglas J.; 2006. Optimization of a Sea Ice Model Using Basinwide Observations of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness, Extent, and Velocity. Journal of Climate, 19, 1089–1108. 10.1175/JCLI3648.1 (View/edit entry) | 2006 | Model application | 56 |
Dang, Cheng; Zender, Charles S.; Flanner, Mark G.; 2019. Intercomparison and improvement of two-stream shortwave radiative transfer schemes in Earth system models for a unified treatment of cryospheric surfaces. The Cryosphere, 13, 2325–2343. 10.5194/tc-13-2325-2019 (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 31 |
Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Hebert, David A.; Lecomte, Olivier; 2013. Level-ice melt ponds in the Los Alamos sea ice model, CICE. Ocean Modelling, 71, 26–42. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.11.008 (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 106 |
Dang, Cheng; Zender, Charles S.; Flanner, Mark G.; 2019. Inter-comparison and improvement of 2-stream shortwave radiative transfer models for unified treatment of cryospheric surfaces in ESMs. . (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Urrego‐Blanco, Jorge R.; Urban, Nathan M.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Turner, Adrian K.; Jeffery, Nicole; 2016. Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of the Los Alamos sea ice model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 2709–2732. 10.1002/2015JC011558 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 43 |
Turner, Adrian K.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2015. Impacts of a mushy-layer thermodynamic approach in global sea-ice simulations using the CICE sea-ice model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 1253–1275. 10.1002/2014JC010358 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 74 |
Deal, Clara; Jin, Meibing; Elliott, Scott; Hunke, Elizabeth; Maltrud, Mathew; Jeffery, Nicole; 2011. Large-scale modeling of primary production and ice algal biomass within arctic sea ice in 1992. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C07004. 10.1029/2010JC006409 (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 71 |
Lemieux, Jean-François; Beaudoin, Christiane; Dupont, Frédéric; Roy, François; Smith, Gregory C.; Shlyaeva, Anna; Buehner, Mark; Caya, Alain; Chen, Jack; Carrieres, Tom; Pogson, Lynn; DeRepentigny, Patricia; Plante, André; Pestieau, Paul; Pellerin, Pierre; Ritchie, Hal; Garric, Gilles; Ferry, Nicolas; 2016. The Regional Ice Prediction System (RIPS): verification of forecast sea ice concentration: The Regional Ice Prediction System. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 632–643. 10.1002/qj.2526 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 62 |
Jin, Meibing; Deal, Clara; Lee, Sang H.; Elliott, Scott; Hunke, Elizabeth; Maltrud, Mathew; Jeffery, Nicole; 2012. Investigation of Arctic sea ice and ocean primary production for the period 1992–2007 using a 3-D global ice–ocean ecosystem model. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 81, 28–35. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.06.003 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 72 |
Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Comeau, Darin; 2011. Sea ice and iceberg dynamic interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C05008. 10.1029/2010JC006588 (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 35 |
Stroeve, Julienne; Schroder, David; Tsamados, Michel; Feltham, Daniel; 2018. Warm Winter, Thin Ice?. . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 44 |
Padman, Laurie; Kottmeier, Christoph; 2000. High-frequency ice motion and divergence in the Weddell Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 105, 3379–3400. 10.1029/1999JC900267 (View/edit entry) | 2000 | Model application | 62 |
Duarte, Pedro; Meyer, Amelie; Olsen, Lasse M.; Kauko, Hanna M.; Assmy, Philipp; Rösel, Anja; Itkin, Polona; Hudson, Stephen R.; Granskog, Mats A.; Gerland, Sebastian; Sundfjord, Arild; Steen, Harald; Hop, Haakon; Cohen, Lana; Peterson, Algot K.; Jeffery, Nicole; Elliott, Scott M.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Turner, Adrian K.; 2017. Sea ice thermohaline dynamics and biogeochemistry in the Arctic Ocean: Empirical and model results: Sea ice Physics and Biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 1632–1654. 10.1002/2016JG003660 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 22 |
Petty, A. A.; Holland, P. R.; Feltham, D. L.; 2014. Sea ice and the ocean mixed layer over the Antarctic shelf seas. The Cryosphere, 8, 761–783. 10.5194/tc-8-761-2014 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 60 |
Cao, Jian; Wang, Bin; Xiang, Baoqiang; Li, Juan; Wu, Tianjie; Fu, Xiouhua; Wu, Liguang; Min, Jinzhong; 2015. Major modes of short-term climate variability in the newly developed NUIST Earth System Model (NESM). Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32, 585–600. 10.1007/s00376-014-4200-6 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 20 |
Lemieux, Jean-François; Dupont, Frédéric; Blain, Philippe; Roy, François; Smith, Gregory C.; Flato, Gregory M.; 2016. Improving the simulation of landfast ice by combining tensile strength and a parameterization for grounded ridges: MODELING LANDFAST ICE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 7354–7368. 10.1002/2016JC012006 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 55 |
Dupont, F.; Higginson, S.; Bourdallé-Badie, R.; Lu, Y.; Roy, F.; Smith, G. C.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Garric, G.; Davidson, F.; 2015. A high-resolution ocean and sea-ice modelling system for the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 1577–1594. 10.5194/gmd-8-1577-2015 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Ivanova, Detelina P.; McClean, Julie L.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2012. Interaction of ocean temperature advection, surface heat fluxes and sea ice in the marginal ice zone during the North Atlantic Oscillation in the 1990s: A modeling study: OCEAN HEATING, ADVECTION AND SEA ICE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, n/a–n/a. 10.1029/2011JC007532 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 11 |
Bennetts, Luke G.; O&amp;apos;Farrell, Siobhan; Uotila, Petteri; 2017. Brief communication: Impacts of ocean-wave-induced breakup of Antarctic sea ice via thermodynamics in a stand-alone version of the CICE sea-ice model. The Cryosphere, 11, 1035–1040. 10.5194/tc-11-1035-2017 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 53 |
Schröder, David; Feltham, Danny L.; Tsamados, Michel; Ridout, Andy; Tilling, Rachel; 2019. New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling. The Cryosphere, 13, 125–139. 10.5194/tc-13-125-2019 (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 35 |
Maslowski, Wieslaw; Lipscomb, William H.; 2003. High resolution simulations of Arctic sea ice, 1979–1993. Polar Research, 22, 67–74. 10.3402/polar.v22i1.6445 (View/edit entry) | 2003 | Model application | 49 |
Heorton, Harold D. B. S.; Feltham, Daniel L.; Hunt, Julian C. R.; 2014. The Response of the Sea Ice Edge to Atmospheric and Oceanic Jet Formation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44, 2292–2316. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0184.1 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 18 |
Urrego-Blanco, Jorge R.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Urban, Nathan M.; Jeffery, Nicole; Turner, Adrian K.; Langenbrunner, James R.; Booker, Jane M.; 2017. Validation of sea ice models using an uncertainty-based distance metric for multiple model variables: NEW METRIC FOR SEA ICE MODEL VALIDATION. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 2923–2944. 10.1002/2016JC012602 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Lemieux, Jean‐François; Lei, Ji; Dupont, Frédéric; Roy, François; Losch, Martin; Lique, Camille; Laliberté, Frédéric; 2018. The Impact of Tides on Simulated Landfast Ice in a Pan‐Arctic Ice‐Ocean Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, , 2018JC014080. 10.1029/2018JC014080 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 19 |
Craig, Anthony P; Mickelson, Sheri A; Hunke, Elizabeth C; Bailey, David A; 2015. Improved parallel performance of the CICE model in CESM1. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 29, 154–165. 10.1177/1094342014548771 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 13 |
Heuzé, Céline; 2017. North Atlantic deep water formation and AMOC in CMIP5 models. Ocean Science, 13, 609–622. 10.5194/os-13-609-2017 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 101 |
Zhou, Tianjun; Yu, Yongqiang; Liu, Yimin; Wang, Bin; Liu, Jiping; Song, Mirong; Wang, Xiucheng; 2014. LASG/IAP Sea Ice Model. In: (eds.)Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model.. 27–31. (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
West, Alex E.; McLaren, Alison J.; Hewitt, Helene T.; Best, Martin J.; 2016. The location of the thermodynamic atmosphere–ice interface in fully coupled models – a case study using JULES and CICE. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 1125–1141. 10.5194/gmd-9-1125-2016 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 20 |
Kim, Jong G.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Lipscomb, William H.; 2006. Sensitivity analysis and parameter tuning scheme for global sea-ice modeling. Ocean Modelling, 14, 61–80. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.03.003 (View/edit entry) | 2006 | Model application | 44 |
Hunke, Elizabeth C.; 2014. Sea ice volume and age: Sensitivity to physical parameterizations and thickness resolution in the CICE sea ice model. Ocean Modelling, 82, 45–59. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.08.001 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 23 |
Naughten, Kaitlin A.; Galton-Fenzi, Benjamin K.; Meissner, Katrin J.; England, Matthew H.; Brassington, Gary B.; Colberg, Frank; Hattermann, Tore; Debernard, Jens B.; 2017. Spurious sea ice formation caused by oscillatory ocean tracer advection schemes. Ocean Modelling, 116, 108–117. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.06.010 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 21 |
Dennis, J. M.; Tufo, H. M.; 2008. Scaling climate simulation applications on the IBM Blue Gene/L system. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 52, 117–126. 10.1147/rd.521.0117 (View/edit entry) | 2008 | Model application | 19 |
Naughten, Kaitlin A.; Meissner, Katrin J.; Galton-Fenzi, Benjamin K.; England, Matthew H.; Timmermann, Ralph; Hellmer, Hartmut H.; Hattermann, Tore; Debernard, Jens B.; 2018. Intercomparison of Antarctic ice-shelf, ocean, and sea-ice interactions simulated by MetROMS-iceshelf and FESOM 1.4. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1257–1292. 10.5194/gmd-11-1257-2018 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 37 |
Prasad, Siva; Zakharov, Igor; Bobby, Pradeep; McGuire, Peter; 2015. The implementation of sea ice model on a regional high-resolution scale. Ocean Dynamics, 65, 1353–1366. 10.1007/s10236-015-0877-z (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 7 |
Wilchinsky, Alexander V.; Feltham, Daniel L.; Miller, Paul A.; 2006. A Multithickness Sea Ice Model Accounting for Sliding Friction. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 1719–1738. 10.1175/JPO2937.1 (View/edit entry) | 2006 | Model application | 14 |
Voevodin, Vladimir; Sobolev, Sergey; Fadeev, Rostislav; Ushakov, Konstantin; Tolstykh, Mikhail; Ibrayev, Rashit; Shashkin, Vladimir; Goyman, Gordey; 2019. Supercomputing the Seasonal Weather Prediction. In: (eds.)Supercomputing.. 415–426. (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Hunke, E. C.; 2016. Weighing the importance of surface forcing on sea ice: a September 2007 modelling study: The Importance of Surface Forcing on Sea Ice. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 539–545. 10.1002/qj.2353 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 5 |
Bonneville, François; Dort, Aurélie; 2018. Le CICE et ses conséquences, retour sur les conditions institutionnelles d’un échec. Gestion & Finances Publiques, , 59–66. 10.3166/gfp.2017.00147 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Herzfeld, Ute C.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; McDonald, Brian W.; Wallin, Bruce F.; 2015. Sea ice deformation in Fram Strait — Comparison of CICE simulations with analysis and classification of airborne remote-sensing data. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 117, 19–33. 10.1016/j.coldregions.2015.05.001 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 10 |
Seracino, R.; 2004. FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2004: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2004, 8-10 December 2004, Adelaide, Australia. In: (eds.).. . (View/edit entry) | 2004 | Model application | 9 |
Roberts, Andrew F.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Allard, Richard; Bailey, David A.; Craig, Anthony P.; Lemieux, Jean-François; Turner, Matthew D.; 2018. Quality control for community-based sea-ice model development. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376, 20170344. 10.1098/rsta.2017.0344 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Rasmussen, Till A. S.; Kliem, Nicolai; Kaas, Eigil; 2011. The Effect of Climate Change on the Sea Ice and Hydrography in Nares Strait. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49, 245–258. 10.1080/07055900.2011.604404 (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 8 |
Naughten, Kaitlin A.; Meissner, Katrin J.; Galton-Fenzi, Benjamin K.; England, Matthew H.; Timmermann, Ralph; Hellmer, Hartmut H.; Hattermann, Tore; Debernard, Jens B.; 2017. Intercomparison of Antarctic ice shelf, ocean, and sea ice interactions simulated by two models. . (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Posey, P.G.; Hebert, D.A.; Metzger, E.J.; Wallcraft, A.J.; Cummings, J.A; Preller, R.H.; Smedstad, O.M.; Phelps, M.W.; 2011. Real-time Data Assimilation of satellite derived ice concentration into the Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACNFS). . Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 4 |
Rasmussen, Till A.S.; Kliem, Nicolai; Kaas, Eigil; 2010. Modelling the sea ice in the Nares Strait. Ocean Modelling, 35, 161–172. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.07.003 (View/edit entry) | 2010 | Model application | 19 |
Liptak, Jessica; Strong, Courtenay; 2014. A Model-Based Decomposition of the Sea Ice–Atmosphere Feedback over the Barents Sea during Winter. Journal of Climate, 27, 2533–2544. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00371.1 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Dzierzbicka-Glowacka, Lidia; Janecki, Maciej; Nowicki, Artur; Jakacki, Jaromir; 2012. A new marine ecosystem 3D CEMBS model (version 2) for the Baltic Sea. . Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Wilchinsky, Alexander V.; Heorton, Harold D. B. S.; Feltham, Daniel L.; Holland, Paul R.; 2015. Study of the Impact of Ice Formation in Leads upon the Sea Ice Pack Mass Balance Using a New Frazil and Grease Ice Parameterization. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 2025–2047. 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0184.1 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Oggier, Marc; Eicken, Hajo; Jin, Meibing; Høyland, Knut; 2020. Seasonal and interannual variability of sea-ice state variables: Observations and predictions for landfast ice in northern Alaska and Svalbard. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Li, Linghan; McClean, Julie L.; Miller, Arthur J.; Eisenman, Ian; Hendershott, Myrl C.; Papadopoulos, Caroline A.; 2014. Processes driving sea ice variability in the Bering Sea in an eddying ocean/sea ice model: Mean seasonal cycle. Ocean Modelling, 84, 51–66. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.09.006 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 11 |
Pridham, Roger G.; 1988. System and method for measuring ice thickness. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84, 795–795. 10.1121/1.396822 (View/edit entry) | 1988 | Model application | 0 |
Hunke, Elizabeth Clare; 2019. CICE Consortium Progress Report, June 2018 - December 2019. . (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Chu, Min; Shi, Xueli; Fang, Yongjie; Zhang, Lujun; Wu, Tongwen; Zhou, Bing; 2019. Impacts of SIS and CICE as Sea Ice Components in BCC_CSM on the Simulation of the Arctic Climate. Journal of Ocean University of China, 18, 553–562. 10.1007/s11802-019-3862-1 (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Wang, Huazhao; Zhang, Lujun; Chu, Min; Hu, Siyu; 2020. Advantages of the latest Los Alamos Sea-Ice Model (CICE): evaluation of the simulated spatiotemporal variation of Arctic sea ice. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 13, 113–120. 10.1080/16742834.2020.1712186 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Guillou, Sarah; Treibich, Tania; 2015. Impôts, charges sociales et compétitivité: Le CICE : un instrument mixte. Revue de l'OFCE, 139, 61. 10.3917/reof.139.0061 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Prasad, Siva; Zakharov, Igor; McGuire, Peter; Power, Desmond; Richard, Martin; 2018. Estimation of sea ice parameters from sea ice model with assimilated ice concentration and SST. The Cryosphere, 12, 3949–3965. 10.5194/tc-12-3949-2018 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Hutchison, David; Kanade, Takeo; Kittler, Josef; Kleinberg, Jon M.; Mattern, Friedemann; Mitchell, John C.; Naor, Moni; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Pandu Rangan, C.; Steffen, Bernhard; Sudan, Madhu; Terzopoulos, Demetri; Tygar, Doug; Vardi, Moshe Y.; Weikum, Gerhard; Ruiz-Shulcloper, José; Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella; Rosales-Méndez, Henry; Ramírez-Cruz, Yunior; 2013. CICE-BCubed: A New Evaluation Measure for Overlapping Clustering Algorithms. In: (eds.)Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications.. 157–164. (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 9 |
McClean, J.L.; Ivanova, D.; Thoppill, P.; Maltrud, M.; Hunke, E.; Lipscomb, W.; Carton, J.; Giese, B.; 2005. Towards a High-Resolution Global Coupled Navy Prediction System. . Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2005 | Model application | 1 |
Fadeev, Rostislav Yu.; Ushakov, Konstantin V.; Tolstykh, Mikhail A.; Ibrayev, Rashit A.; 2018. Design and development of the SLAV-INMIO-CICE coupled model for seasonal prediction and climate research. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 33, 333–340. 10.1515/rnam-2018-0028 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Scripps, Julie L.; Ivanova, Detelina; Giese, Benjamin; Carton, James; Hunke, Elizabeth; Maltrud, Mathew; McClean, J.L.; 2006. Fine-Resolution Global Sea-Ice/Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation. . Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2006 | Model application | 0 |
Peterson, Kara J.; Bochev, Pavel Blagoveston; Paskaleva, Biliana S.; 2010. Development, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification of high-fidelity arctic sea ice models.. . (View/edit entry) | 2010 | Model application | 6 |
Dennis, John M; Jacob, Robert; Vertenstein, Mariana; Craig, Tony; Loy, Raymond; 2007. Toward an ultra-high resolution community climate system model for the BlueGene platform. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 78, 012030. 10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012030 (View/edit entry) | 2007 | Model application | 3 |
Elliott, Scott; Jeffery, Nicole; Hunke, Elizabeth; Deal, Clara; Jin, Meibing; Wang, Shanlin; Elliott Smith, Emma; Oestreicher, Samantha; 2017. Strategies for the Simulation of Sea Ice Organic Chemistry: Arctic Tests and Development. Geosciences, 7, 52. 10.3390/geosciences7030052 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Ashrafi, Vahid; Pourbozorg, Hoorieh; Moradi Kor, Nasroallah; Ajirloo, Abasalt Rostami; Shamsizadeh, Morteza; Shaaban, Morad; 2015. Study on Seed Protein and Protein Profile Pattern of Chickpea (Cice arietinum L.) by SDS-PAGE under Drought Stress and Fertilization. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9, 87–90. 10.3126/ijls.v9i5.12704 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 5 |
Shu-Qiang, Wu; Qing-Cun, Zeng; Xun-Qiang, Bi; 2015. Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice Variability During 1948–2009: Validation of Two Versions of the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model (CICE). Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8, 215–219. 10.3878/AOSL20150011 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Liu, Xiying; 2014. Biases of the Arctic climate in a regional ocean-sea iceatmosphere coupled model: an annual validation. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33, 56–67. 10.1007/s13131-014-0518-2 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Gilles, Fabrice; L’Horty, Yannick; Mihoubi, Ferhat; Yang, Xi; 2018. Les effets du CICE : une évaluation ex post. Économie & prévision, 0, 1. 10.3917/ecop.214.0001 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L.; Jakacki, J.; Janecki, M.; Nowicki, A.; 2012. Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3-D CEMBS) – the hydrodynamic part. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 5, 1851–1875. 10.5194/gmdd-5-1851-2012 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 34 |
Sewall, J. O.; 2008. Model resolution influence on simulated sea ice decline. The Cryosphere Discussions, 2, 759–776. 10.5194/tcd-2-759-2008 (View/edit entry) | 2008 | Model application | 1 |
Johnson, Benjamin; Bryan, Frank; Grodsky, Semyon; Carton, James; 2018. 0.1-degree Parallel Ocean Program (POP) output for Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean and Western Indonesia. , , . 10.5065/D64Q7STB (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Ushakov, K V; Grankina, T B; Ibrayev, R A; Gromov, I V; 2016. Simulation of Arctic and North Atlantic ocean water and ice seasonal characteristics by the INMIO-CICE coupled model. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 48, 012013. 10.1088/1755-1315/48/1/012013 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Allard, Richard; 2018. Gofs Simulations: Quality Control For Community Based Sea Ice Model Development. , , . 10.5281/zenodo.1308242 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Peterson, Kara; Bochev, Pavel; 2013. Reducing uncertainty in high-resolution sea ice models.. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Hagneré, Cyrille; Legendre, François; 2016. Une évaluation ex ante des conséquences du Crédit d’impôt pour la compétitivité et l’emploi (CICE). Revue économique, 67, 697. 10.3917/reco.674.0697 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Deal, Clara; Jin, Meibing; 2013. Influence of Sea Ice on Arctic Marine Sulfur Biogeochemistry in the Community Climate System Model. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Guillou, Sarah; Sampognaro, Raul; Treibich, Tania; 2017. L’impact attendu du CICE sur les exportations: Une analyse à partir de données d’entreprises. Revue de l'OFCE, 154, 131. 10.3917/reof.154.0131 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Ahn, Joong-Bae; Lee, Su-Bong; 2015. Analyzing the Characteristics of Sea Ice Initial Conditions for a Global Ocean and Sea Ice Prediction System, the NEMO-CICE/NEMOVAR over the Arctic Region. Journal of the Korean earth science society, 36, 82–89. 10.5467/JKESS.2015.36.1.82 (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Gregorová, Růžena; Micklich, Norbert; Pikryl, Tomáš; 2016. First record of the family Moronidae (Perciformes) in the Menilitic Formation of the Liten&čice locality (Oligocene, Rupelian; Moravia, Czech Republic). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 280, 79–86. 10.1127/njgpa/2016/0566 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Hutchings, Jennifer; Joseph, Renu; 2013. Collaborative Project. Understanding the effects of tides and eddies on the ocean dynamics, sea ice cover and decadal/centennial climate prediction using the Regional Arctic Climate Model (RACM). . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Cassano, John; 2013. Collaborative Research: Towards Advanced Understanding and Predictive Capability of Climate Change in the Arctic Using a High-Resolution Regional Arctic Climate Model. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Schroeder, David; 2018. Simulations with the sea ice model CICE documenting the impact of improved sea ice physics. , , . 10.17864/1947.187 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Su-Bong, L.; Joong-Bae, A.; 2014. 전구 해빙모델(CICE)을 이용한 해빙 농도와 해빙 두께 민감도 비교. 대기, 24, 555–563. 10.14191/ATMOS.2014.24.4.555 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Ho, H. T. M.; Rockel, B.; Kapitza, H.; Geyer, B.; Meyer, E.; 2012. COSTRICE – three model online coupling using OASIS: problems and solutions. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 5, 3261–3310. 10.5194/gmdd-5-3261-2012 (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Ducoudré, Bruno; Heyer, Eric; Plane, Mathieu; 2017. Que nous apprennent les données de branches sur les premiers effets du CICE ? Évaluation pour la période 2014-2015t2. Économie & prévision, 211, 91–113. 10.3406/ecop.2017.8221 (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018040112. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018052212. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018071712. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018022012. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018071812. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018032012. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018021912. , , . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018061912. Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W, CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.891665 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W; Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center; 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018052212. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.890725 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; 2018. CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1, 2018. , , 10.1594/PANGAEA.890343 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018060212. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.891274 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018050812. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.890179 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018052112. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.890724 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018073112. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.892860 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018062412. Allard, RA et al., , 10.1594/PANGAEA.892355 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018041012. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.893413 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018071712. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.892694 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018070912. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.892689 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018052712. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.890727 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Allard, Richard A; Barton, Neil P; Metzger, E Joseph; Phelps, Michael W 2018. CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018041512. Allard, RA et al., CICE outputs from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) and Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS), 10.1594/PANGAEA.893415 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Turner, A.K.; 2012. Two modes of sea-ice gravity drainage. . (View/edit entry) | 2012 | Model application | 8 |
Vrazhkin, A.N.; 2020. MID-TERM FORECAST FOR THE ICE CONDITIONS IN THE BERING SEA. Izvestiya TINRO, 200, 131–140. 10.26428/1606-9919-2020-200-131-140 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Bateson, Adam; Feltham, Danny; Schroeder, David; Hosekova, Lucia; Ridley, Jeff; Aksenov, Yevgeny; 2019. Simulations with the sea ice model CICE investigating the impact of sea ice floe size distribution on seasonal Arctic sea ice retreat.. , , . 10.17864/1947.223 (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Shi, Xiaoxu; Notz, Dirk; Liu, Jiping; Yang, Hu; Lohmann, Gerrit; 2020. Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere climate to ice-ocean interface heat flux parameterizations. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Duarte, Pedro; Sundfjord, Arild; Meyer, Amelie; Hudson, Stephen R.; Spreen, Gunnar; Smedsrud, Lars H.; 2020. Warm Atlantic Water Explains Observed Sea Ice Melt Rates North of Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, . 10.1029/2019JC015662 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 19 |
Posey, P. G.; Metzger, E. J.; Wallcraft, A. J.; Smedstad, O. M.; Phelps, M. W.; 2009. Real-time data assimilation of ice concentration into a coupled ice/ocean forecast system. . Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2009 | Model application | 1 |
Prasad, Siva; Haynes, Ronald D.; Zakharov, Igor; Puestow, Thomas; 2021. Estimation of sea ice parameters using an assimilated sea ice model with a variable drag formulation. Ocean Modelling, 158, 101739. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101739 (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Diansky, N. A.; Stepanov, D. V.; Fomin, V. V.; Chumakov, M. M.; 2020. Water Circulation Off the Northeastern Coast of Sakhalin during the Passage of Three Types of Deep Cyclones over the Sea of Okhotsk. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 45, 29–38. 10.3103/S1068373920010045 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Chassignet, Eric P.; 2013. Toward a Global 1/25 degree HYCOM Ocean Prediction System with Tides:. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Chassignet, Eric P.; 2013. Accelerated Prediction of the Polar Ice and Global Ocean (APPIGO):. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Wallcraft, Alan J.; 2009. Eddy Resolving Global Ocean Prediction Including Tides:. . (View/edit entry) | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
McClean, Julie L.; 2013. Sea Ice Sensitivities in the 0.72 degrees and 0.08 degrees Arctic Cap Coupled HYCOM/CICE Models:. . (View/edit entry) | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Elliott, Scott; Jeffery, Nicole; Hunke, Elizabeth; Deal, Clara; Jin, Meibing; Wang, Shanlin; Elliott Smith, Emma; Oestreicher, Samantha; 2017. Strategies for the Simulation of Sea Ice Organic Chemistry: Arctic Tests and Development. . (View/edit entry) | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Duarte, Pedro; Assmy, Philipp; Campbell, Karley; Sundfjord, Arild; 2021. The importance of turbulent ocean-sea ice nutrient exchanges for simulation of ice algal biomass and production with CICE6.1 and Icepack 1.2. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Horvat, Christopher; Roach, Lettie A.; 2021. WIFF1.0: A hybrid machine-learning-based parameterization of Wave-Induced sea-ice Floe Fracture. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Kumar, Rajesh; Li, Junde; Hedstrom, Kate; Babanin, Alexander V.; Holland, David M.; Heil, Petra; Tang, Youmin; 2021. Intercomparison of Arctic sea ice simulation in ROMS-CICE and ROMS-Budgell. Polar Science, , 100716. 10.1016/j.polar.2021.100716 (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Kaurkin, Maxim N.; Kalnitski, Leonid Y.; Ushakov, Konstantin V.; Ibrayev, Rashit A.; 2021. Assimilation of ice compactness data in a strong coupling regime in the ocean – sea ice coupled model. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Voevodin, Vladimir; Sobolev, Sergey; Kalnitskii, Leonid; Kaurkin, Maxim; Ushakov, Konstantin; Ibrayev, Rashit; 2020. Supercomputer Implementation of a High Resolution Coupled Ice-Ocean Model for Forecasting the State of the Arctic Ocean. In: (eds.)Supercomputing.. 332–340. (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Balandin, Dmitry; Barkalov, Konstantin; Gergel, Victor; Meyerov, Iosif; Petrov, Sergey; Iakovlev, Nikolay; 2021. The Optimized Finite Element Dynamical Core of the Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Model. In: (eds.)Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies.. 389–400. (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, Chao-Yuan; Liu, Jiping; Chen, Dake; 2021. CAPS v1.0: An improved regional coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice and climate simulation and prediction. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Hao, Guanghua; Su, Jie; Yang, Qinghua; Lin, Long; Cao, Shutao; 2021. Analysis and comparison of heat flux of landfast ice during 2016 in the Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 40, 71–79. 10.1007/s13131-021-1731-4 (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Bateson, Adam William; Feltham, Daniel L.; Schröder, David; Wang, Yanan; Hwang, Byongjun; Ridley, Jeff K.; Aksenov, Yevgeny; 2021. Sea ice floe size: its impact on pan-Arctic and local ice mass, and required model complexity. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Liu, Xiying; Sha, Zicheng; Lu, Chenchen; 2021. CICE-LETKF Ensemble Analysis System with Application to Arctic Sea Ice Initialization. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 920. 10.3390/jmse9090920 (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Nuala, C.; 2014. Numerical modelling of landfast sea ice. , , . 10.17638/00018773 (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Turner, Adrian K.; Lipscomb, William H.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Jacobsen, Douglas W.; Jeffery, Nicole; Engwirda, Darren; Ringler, Todd D.; Wolfe, Jonathan D.; 2021. MPAS-Seaice (v1.0.0): Sea-ice dynamics on unstructured Voronoi meshes. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 16 |
Sun, Shan; Solomon, Amy; 2021. Seasonal Sea Ice Prediction with the CICE Model and Positive Impact of CryoSat-2 Ice Thickness Initialization. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
McClean, J. L., Ivanova, D., Thoppill, P., Maltrud, M., Hunke, E., Lipscomb, W., ... & Giese, B. 2005. Towards a high-resolution global coupled navy prediction system. In 2005 Users Group Conference (DOD-UGC'05). Volume . (View/edit entry) | 2005 | Model application | 0 |
Livings, David; Feltham, Danny; Schroeder, David; 2021. Testing a Sea Ice Model. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Williams, Nicholas; Byrne, Nicholas; Feltham, Daniel; Van Leeuwen, Peter Jan; Bannister, Ross; Schroeder, David; Shepherd, Andrew; 2021. The effects of assimilating a sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice data assimilation system. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Clancy, Robin; Bitz, Cecilia; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Ed; McGraw, Marie; 2021. Drivers of the Spatial Pattern of Arctic Sea Ice Response to Arctic Cyclones. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Jakacki, Jaromir; Muzyka, Maciej; Konik, Marta; Przyborska, Anna; Stramska, Małgorzata; 2021. Comparison sea ice data for Baltic Sea region based on modelling simulations and remote sensing measurements.&#160;. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Caixin; Granskog, Mats A.; Debernard, Jens Boldingh; Wang, Keguang; 2020. Sea ice representation in sea ice model of CICE and Icepack. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Vrazhkin, A. N.; 2020. MID-TERM FORECAST FOR THE ICE CONDITIONS IN THE BERING SEA. Izvestiya TINRO, 200, 131–140. 10.26428/1606-9919-2020-200-131-140 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Shi, Xiaoxu; Notz, Dirk; Liu, Jiping; Yang, Hu; Lohmann, Gerrit; 2020. Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere climate to ice-ocean interface heat flux parameterizations. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Duarte, Pedro; Assmy, Philipp; Campbell, Karley; Sundfjord, Arild; 2022. The importance of turbulent ocean–sea ice nutrient exchanges for simulation of ice algal biomass and production with CICE6.1 and Icepack 1.2. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 841–857. 10.5194/gmd-15-841-2022 (View/edit entry) | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Zhang, Yong-Fei; Bitz, Cecilia M.; Anderson, Jeffrey L.; Collins, Nancy S.; Hoar, Timothy J.; Raeder, Kevin D.; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Edward; 2020. Estimating Parameters in a Sea Ice Model using an Ensemble Kalman Filter. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Niciejewski, Jan; Osinski, Robert; Maslowski, Wieslaw; Craig, Anthony; 2020. Evaluation of landfast ice simulations with basal stress parameterization using the Regional Arctic System Model. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Schroeder, David; Feltham, Danny; Tsamados, Michel; 2020. Using CryoSat-2 estimates to analyse sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in HadGEM3 simulations for CMIP6. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Keguang; Li, Qun; Wang, Caixin; Debernard, Jens; Keeley, Sarah; 2020. Effect of model initialization and sea ice data assimilation on the seasonal forecast of September Arctic sea ice extent in a coupled ocean-sea ice model. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Dekker, Evelien; 2020. The impact of a warm moist air intrusion on dynamic and thermodynamic sea ice tendencies in the Arctic.. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Horvat, Christopher; Roach, Lettie A.; 2022. WIFF1.0: a hybrid machine-learning-based parameterization of wave-induced sea ice floe fracture. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 803–814. 10.5194/gmd-15-803-2022 (View/edit entry) | 2022 | Model application | 8 |
Stroeve, Julienne C.; Schroder, David; Tsamados, Michel; Feltham, Daniel; 2018. Warm winter, thin ice?. The Cryosphere, 12, 1791–1809. 10.5194/tc-12-1791-2018 (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 44 |
Prasad, Siva; Zakharov, Igor; McGuire, Peter; Power, Desmond; Richard, Martin; 2018. Estimation of sea ice parameters from sea ice model with assimilated ice concentration and SST. . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Schröder, David; Feltham, Danny L.; Tsamados, Michel; Ridout, Andy; Tilling, Rachel; 2018. New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling. . (View/edit entry) | 2018 | Model application | 35 |
Madsen, Kristine Skovgaard; Rasmussen, Till Andreas Soya; Ribergaard, Mads Hvid; Ringgaard, Ida Margrethe; 2016. High Resolution Sea-Ice Modelling and Validation of the Arctic
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Rampal, Pierre; Bouillon, Sylvai; Bergh, Jon; Ólason, Eina; 2016. Sea ice diffusion in the Arctic ice pack: a comparison between observed buoy trajectories and the neXtSIM and TOPAZ-CICE sea ice models. . (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Rae, J. G. L.; Hewitt, H. T.; Keen, A. B.; Ridley, J. K.; West, A. E.; Harris, C. M.; Hunke, E. C.; Walters, D. N.; 2015. Development of Global Sea Ice 6.0 CICE configuration for the Met Office Global Coupled Model. . (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 7 |
Madsen, Kristine Skovgaard; Mottram, Ruth; Rasmussen, Till Andreas Soya; Ribergaard, Mads Hvid; 2016. Evaluation of a Regional Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere – Sea-Ice Model System over Greenland and the Arctic. Polarforschung; 85, , . 10.2312/POLFOR.2016.004 (View/edit entry) | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
West, A. E.; McLaren, A. J.; Hewitt, H. T.; Best, M. J.; 2015. The location of the thermodynamic atmosphere–ice interface in fully-coupled models. . (View/edit entry) | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
McClean, Julie L.; 2014. Sea Ice Sensitivities in the 0.72 deg and 0.08 deg Arctic Cap Coupled HYCOM/CICE Models:. . (View/edit entry) | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Muzyka, Maciej; Jakacki, Jaromir; Przyborska, Anna; 2021. Application of the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) for Baltic Sea area. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ali, Alfatih; Muller, Malte; Bertino, Laurent; Melson, Arne; 2021. A high resolution three-dimensional model of ocean tides for the pan-arctic region. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Rynders, Stefanie; Aksenov, Yevgeny; Coward, Andrew; 2021. Coupled processes in an ocean-sea ice-wave configuration. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Frew, Rebecca; Feltham, Daniel; Schroeder, David; Bateson, Adam; 2021. Arctic MIZ Sensitivity to Atmosphere- Ice-Ocean Feedbacks. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Padua, David; Steele, Guy L.; Shen, Xiaowei; Torrellas, Josep; Tuckerman, Mark; Bohm, Eric J.; Kalé, Laxmikant V.; et al.; 2011. Community Ice Code (CICE). In: (eds.)Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing.. 352–352. (View/edit entry) | 2011 | Model application | 1 |
Fujisaki-Manome, Ayumi; Mann, Greg E.; Anderson, Eric J.; Chu, Philip Y.; Fitzpatrick, Lindsay E.; Benjamin, Stanley G.; James, Eric P.; Smirnova, Tatiana G.; Alexander, Curtis R.; Wright, David M.; 2020. Improvements to Lake-Effect Snow Forecasts Using a One-Way Air–Lake Model Coupling Approach. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, 2813–2828. 10.1175/JHM-D-20-0079.1 (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 11 |
Dang, Cheng; 2019. Reply to the RCs: Inter-comparison and improvement of two-stream shortwave radiative transfer models for a unified treatment of cryospheric surfaces in ESMs. . (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Anonymous; 2019. Review: Solid research but unclear in critical parts. . (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Raeder, Kevin; Anderson, Jeffrey; Hoar, TImothy; Collins, Nancy; El Gharamti, Moha; 2020. Results from An Ensemble Reanalysis with the Community Earth System Model 2.1. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Bailey, David; 2019. Review of Dang et al.. . (View/edit entry) | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Bateson, Adam; Feltham, Daniel; Schröder, David; Wang, Yanan; Hwang, Byongjun; Ridley, Jeff; Aksenov, Yevgeny; 2021. Sea ice fragmentation and its role in the evolution of the Arctic sea ice cover.&#160;. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Sievers, Imke; Rasmussen, Till; Stenseng, Lars; 2021. Improving Arctic Sea Ice Prediction Though Freeboard Assimilation. . (View/edit entry) | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Jendersie, Stefan; Malyarenko, Alena; 2020. The sensitivity of sea ice growth to the choice of ice shelf-ocean coupling algorithms.. . (View/edit entry) | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Singh, Hansi K. A.; Landrum, Laura; Holland, Marika M.; Bailey, David A.; DuVivier, Alice K.; 2021. An Overview of Antarctic Sea Ice in the Community Earth System Model Version 2, Part I: Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle in the Context of Sea Ice Thermodynamics and Coupled Atmosphere‐Ocean‐Ice Processes. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13, None. 10.1029/2020MS002143 (View/edit entry) | 2021 |
Model application | 17 |
Duan, Chenglin; Wang, Zhifeng; Dong, Sheng; 2022. Intensity of Level Ice Simulated with the CICE Model for Oil-Gas Exploitation in the Southern Kara Sea, Arctic. Journal of Ocean University of China, 21, 1099–1108. 10.1007/s11802-022-4914-5 (View/edit entry) | 2022 |
Model application | 0 |
Nesterov, E.S.; Zhupanov, V.D.; Fedorenko, A.V.; None, None; 2022. Modeling the characteristics of the Caspian Sea ice cover based on the CICE model. Hydrometeorological research and forecasting, 1, 57–70. 10.37162/2618-9631-2022-1--57-70 (View/edit entry) | 2022 |
Model application | 1 |
Duarte, Pedro; Brændshøi, Jostein; Shcherbin, Dmitry; Barras, Pauline; Albretsen, Jon; Gusdal, Yvonne; Szapiro, Nicholas; Martinsen, Andreas; Samuelsen, Annette; Wang, Keguang; Debernard, Jens Boldingh; 2022. Implementation and evaluation of open boundary conditions for sea ice in a regional coupled ocean (ROMS) and sea ice (CICE) modeling system. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 4373–4392. 10.5194/gmd-15-4373-2022 (View/edit entry) | 2022 |
Model application | 5 |
Yaremchuk, M.; Townsend, T.; Panteleev, G.; Hebert, D.; Allard, R.; 2019. Advancing Short‐Term Forecasts of Ice Conditions in the Beaufort Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 807–820. 10.1029/2018JC014581 (View/edit entry) | 2019 |
Model application | 6 |
Mack, Stefanie; Padman, Laurie; Klinck, John; 2013. Extracting tidal variability of sea ice concentration from AMSR‐E passive microwave single‐swath data: a case study of the Ross Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 547–552. 10.1002/grl.50128 (View/edit entry) | 2013 |
Model application | 16 |
Lea, Daniel J.; While, James; Martin, Matthew J.; Weaver, Anthony; Storto, Andrea; Chrust, Marcin; 2022. A new global ocean ensemble system at the Met Office: Assessing the impact of hybrid data assimilation and inflation settings. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148, 1996–2030. 10.1002/qj.4292 (View/edit entry) | 2022 |
Model application | 10 |
Oetjen, Georg-Wilhelm; 1999. Appendix: Abbreviations, Symbols and Unit of Measure. In: (eds.)Freeze-Drying.. 267–270. (View/edit entry) | 1999 |
Model application | 0 |
Dennis, John M; Jacob, Robert; Vertenstein, Mariana; Craig, Tony; Loy, Raymond; 2007. Toward an ultra-high resolution community climate system model for the BlueGene platform. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 78, 012030. 10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012030 (View/edit entry) | 2007 |
Model application | 3 |
Barton, Neil; Metzger, E. Joseph; Reynolds, Carolyn A.; Ruston, Benjamin; Rowley, Clark; Smedstad, Ole Martin; Ridout, James A.; Wallcraft, Alan; Frolov, Sergey; Hogan, Patrick; Janiga, Matthew A.; Shriver, Jay F.; McLay, Justin; Thoppil, Prasad; Huang, Andrew; Crawford, William; Whitcomb, Timothy; Bishop, Craig H.; Zamudio, Luis; Phelps, Michael; 2021. The Navy's Earth System Prediction Capability: A New Global Coupled Atmosphere‐Ocean‐Sea Ice Prediction System Designed for Daily to Subseasonal Forecasting. Earth and Space Science, 8, None. 10.1029/2020EA001199 (View/edit entry) | 2021 |
Model application | 26 |
Wang, Keguang; Ali, Alfatih; Wang, Caixin; 2023. Local analytical optimal nudging for assimilating AMSR2 sea ice concentration in a high-resolution pan-Arctic coupled ocean (HYCOM 2.2.98) and sea ice (CICE 5.1.2) model. The Cryosphere, 17, 4487–4510. 10.5194/tc-17-4487-2023 (View/edit entry) | 2023 |
Model application | 1 |
Xu, Mengliu; Li, Junde; 2023. Assessment of sea ice thickness simulations in the CMIP6 models with CICE components. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, None. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1223772 (View/edit entry) | 2023 |
Model application | 0 |
Petrov, Sergey S.; Iakovlev, Nikolay G.; 2023. SIMUG – finite element model of sea ice dynamics on triangular grid in local Cartesian basis. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 38, 145–160. 10.1515/rnam-2023-0012 (View/edit entry) | 2023 |
Model application | 0 |
Nesterov, E. S.; Zhupanov, V. D.; Fedorenko, A. V.; 2023. Modeling the Northern Caspian Sea Ice Cover in Extreme Seasons. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 48, 995–1004. 10.3103/S1068373923110079 (View/edit entry) | 2023 |
Model application | 0 |
Sun, Shan; Solomon, Amy; 2024. Suitability of the CICE sea ice model for seasonal prediction and positive impact of CryoSat-2 ice thickness initialization. The Cryosphere, 18, 3033–3048. 10.5194/tc-18-3033-2024 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Yiming; Liu, Jiping; 2024. Effects of Ice-Microstructure-Based Inherent Optical Properties Parameterization in the CICE Model. Remote Sensing, 16, 1494. 10.3390/rs16091494 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 0 |
Durán Moro, Marina; Sperrevik, Ann Kristin; Lavergne, Thomas; Bertino, Laurent; Gusdal, Yvonne; Iversen, Silje Christine; Rusin, Jozef; 2024. Assimilation of satellite swaths versus daily means of sea ice concentration in a regional coupled ocean–sea ice model. The Cryosphere, 18, 1597–1619. 10.5194/tc-18-1597-2024 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 3 |
Cannon, David; Wang, Jia; Fujisaki-Manome, Ayumi; Kessler, James; Ruberg, Steve; Constant, Steve; 2024. Investigating Multidecadal Trends in Ice Cover and Subsurface Temperatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes Using a Coupled Hydrodynamic–Ice Model. Journal of Climate, 37, 1249–1276. 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0092.1 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 1 |
Plante, Mathieu; Lemieux, Jean-François; Tremblay, L. Bruno; Tivy, Adrienne; Angnatok, Joey; Roy, François; Smith, Gregory; Dupont, Frédéric; Turner, Adrian K.; 2024. Using Icepack to reproduce ice mass balance buoy observations in landfast ice: improvements from the mushy-layer thermodynamics. The Cryosphere, 18, 1685–1708. 10.5194/tc-18-1685-2024 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 0 |
Schröder, David; Feltham, Danny L.; Tsamados, Michel; Ridout, Andy; Tilling, Rachel; 2019. New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling. The Cryosphere, 13, 125–139. 10.5194/tc-13-125-2019 (View/edit entry) | 2019 |
Model application | 35 |
Dupont, F.; Higginson, S.; Bourdallé-Badie, R.; Lu, Y.; Roy, F.; Smith, G. C.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Garric, G.; Davidson, F.; 2015. A high-resolution ocean and sea-ice modelling system for the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 1577–1594. 10.5194/gmd-8-1577-2015 (View/edit entry) | 2015 |
Model application | 69 |
Petty, A. A.; Holland, P. R.; Feltham, D. L.; 2014. Sea ice and the ocean mixed layer over the Antarctic shelf seas. The Cryosphere, 8, 761–783. 10.5194/tc-8-761-2014 (View/edit entry) | 2014 |
Model application | 60 |
Ham, Hyunjun; Won, Dukjin; Lee, Yei-sook 2017. Performance Assessment of Weekly Ensemble Prediction Data at Seasonal Forecast System with High Resolution. Atmosphere, 27, 261–276. 10.14191/ATMOS.2017.27.3.261 (View/edit entry) | 2017 |
Model application | 2 |
Rasmussen, Till Andreas Soya; Poulsen, Jacob; Ribergaard, Mads Hvid; Sasanka, Ruchira; Craig, Anthony P.; Hunke, Elizabeth C.; Rethmeier, Stefan; 2024. Refactoring the elastic–viscous–plastic solver from the sea ice model CICE v6.5.1 for improved performance. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 6529–6544. 10.5194/gmd-17-6529-2024 (View/edit entry) | 2024 |
Model application | 0 |
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Nr. of publications: | 214 |
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h-index: | 35 |
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