About Geodynamics FRG



Welcome to the CSDMS Geodynamics Focus Research Group (FRG) page. The Geodynamics FRG is a research group (currently 415 members), that is additionally co-sponsored by GeoPRISMS, a legacy of the NSF MARGINS Program. It is a decadal program, funded by NSF, committed to the amphibious study of the origin and evolution of continental margins through interdisciplinary, community-based investigations. The group was initiated in March of 2013 and is led by co-chairs, Phaedra Upton and Mark Behn. The group's goals are to provide input to the CSDMS effort on how to best represent geodynamic processes and models within CSDMS.


Where the 415 Geodynamics Focus Research Group members are located

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See also the Geodynamics Focus Research Group member list.