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Firstname | String | | Wilczak, James M.; Djalalova, Irina; McKeen, Stuart; Bianco, Laura; Bao, Jian-Wen; Grell, Georg; Peckham, Steven; Mathur, Rohit; McQueen, Jeff; Lee, Pius; |
BibType | String | journalArticle · report · bookSection · webpage · conferencePaper · MISC · thesis · blogpost · preprint | journalArticle |
Title | String | | Analysis of regional meteorology and surface ozone during the TexAQS II field program and an evaluation of the NMM-CMAQ and WRF-Chem air quality models |
Editors | String | | |
Year | Date | | 2009-07-30 |
Journal | String | | Journal of Geophysical Research |
Booktitle | String | | |
Volume | String | | 114 |
Pages | String | | D00F14 |
URL | String | | http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2008JD011675 |
DOI | String | | 10.1029/2008JD011675 |
ISBN | String | | |
Note | String | | Auto downloaded ref at: 2020-06-19 |
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