1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2020-06-07 9:22:50 PM |
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Field | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
Firstname | String | | Appel, K. W.; Roselle, S. J.; Gilliam, R. C.; Pleim, J. E.; |
BibType | String | journalArticle · report · bookSection · webpage · conferencePaper · MISC · thesis · blogpost · preprint | journalArticle |
Title | String | | Sensitivity of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v4.7 results for the eastern United States to MM5 and WRF meteorological drivers |
Editors | String | | |
Year | Date | | 2010-02-23 |
Journal | String | | Geoscientific Model Development |
Booktitle | String | | |
Volume | String | | 3 |
Pages | String | | 169–188 |
URL | String | | https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/3/169/2010/ |
DOI | String | | 10.5194/gmd-3-169-2010 |
ISBN | String | | |
Note | String | | Auto downloaded ref at: 2020-06-07 |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
PublicationMultipleModelsCargo | String | WRF |
1 row is stored for this page
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MS_PublicationClusterID | String | | 2058560210 |
Semantic_ID | String | | b1f0a965abca686a1247508ec9d2cb001590b0f1 |
PublicationCitationsNr | String | | 63 |
PublicationWhatKindOf | String | a module overview describing a module · a module application description · module related theory · reference to source code · none of the above | a module application description |
PublicationNrofModels | String | a single module · coupled modules · multiple modules that are not coupled · none of the above | a single module |
PublicationHPCCYesno | String | Yes · No | No |
PublicationHPCCprojectCargo | String | | |
PublicationAnimationsCargo | String | | |