1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
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Field | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
Firstname | String | | Abou Rafee, Sameh A.; Martins, Leila D.; Kawashima, Ana B.; Almeida, Daniela S.; Morais, Marcos V. B.; Souza, Rita V. A.; Oliveira, Maria B. L.; Souza, Rodrigo A. F.; Medeiros, Adan S. S.; Urbina, Viviana; Freitas, Edmilson D.; Martin, Scot T.; Martins, Jorge A.; |
BibType | String | journalArticle · report · bookSection · webpage · conferencePaper · MISC · thesis · blogpost · preprint | report |
Title | String | | Mobile and stationary sources of air pollutants in the Amazon rainforest: a numerical study with WRF-Chem model |
Editors | String | | |
Year | Date | | 2017-01-10 |
Journal | String | | |
Booktitle | String | | |
Volume | String | | |
Pages | String | | |
URL | String | | https://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/acp-2016-1190/acp-2016-1190.pdf |
DOI | String | | 10.5194/acp-2016-1190 |
ISBN | String | | |
Note | String | | Auto downloaded ref at: 2020-06-07 |
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