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CSDMS 2021: Changing Landscapes and Seascapes: Modeling for Discovery, Decision Making, and Communication

Building Interactive Dashboards for Earth Surface Processes Modeling with Python and Jupyter

Benoît Bovy

GFZ / Independent software engineer, Belgium

Jupyter notebooks provide a very convenient way to communicate research results: they may contain narrative text, live code, equations and visualizations all in a single document. Beyond notebooks, the Jupyter ecosystem also provides many interactive, graphical components (widgets) that can be used within notebooks to further enhance the user experience. Those widgets serve a variety of purposes such as 2D (Ipympl, Bqplot, Ipycanvas) or 3D (Ipygany) scientific visualization, 2D (Ipyleaflet) or 3D (Pydeck) maps, etc. When the target audience is not familiar with coding, it is possible to turn Jupyter notebooks into interactive dashboards and publish them as stand-alone web applications (using Voilà).

In this workshop, we will learn how to leverage this powerful Jupyter environment to build custom, interactive dashboards for exploring models of Earth surface processes in contexts like research, teaching and outreach. After introducing the basics of Jupyter widgets, we will focus on more advanced examples based on Fastscape and/or Landlab. We willl also spend some time on hands-on exercises as well as brainstorming dashboard ideas.

Clinic materials and installation instructions can be found here:

Related links:



Please acknowledge the original contributors when you are using this material. If there are any copyright issues, please let us know ( and we will respond as soon as possible.

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Education and Knowledge Transfer (EKT) Working Group
  • Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group