Apply before: 1 April 2024
Position: Grad Student Openings
Apply before: 1 April 2024
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Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Salary: $26,000/yr for MS; $32,000 for PhD, plus tuition and benefits Apply By: Open until filled Start Date: Fall 2024
Lab Description: We are seeking highly motivated graduate research assistants to study climate impacts on fisheries at the University of Florida. Here, we develop advanced population and ecosystem models to address real-world challenges in fisheries and natural resource management. Our work is highly quantitative and applied, and seeks to understand how fisheries resources and marine ecosystems respond to fishing and environmental change. In doing so, we aim to bridge the gap between ecosystem science, stock assessment, and management, while also advancing ecological theories and concepts. As such, we hope to recruit students with broad interests in ecosystem modeling, marine ecology, fisheries stock assessment, food web ecology, species distribution modeling, and fisheries management.
Position: This current opportunity is open to prospective MS and PhD students as part of a small cohort (2 students, 1 post-doc) developing applied ecosystem models. The graduate student assistant will work on one or more projects that share an overarching goal to inform ecosystem-based fisheries management by developing climate-ready ecosystem models for the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast U.S. The student will receive training in marine ecosystem modeling , link existing ecosystem models to ocean climate forecasts, and evaluate fisheries management strategies under alternative climate scenarios. The student will be advised by Dr. David Chagaris and collaborate with a diverse team of scientists from NOAA and UF. Funding is available for two student assistantships and is provided through two recent NOAA fisheries climate initiatives.
Minimum Qualifications: For MS student, a BS degree in an environmental science, such as biology, ecology, ecology, oceanography, or related field with a GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 system). Applicants for the PhD assistantship must have an MS degree (or equivalent) in the same or related fields, and a GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 system).
Preferred Qualifications: • Knowledge and experience with ecosystem and food web models, fish population dynamic models and stock assessment, species distribution models, and geospatial analysis of large fisheries and environmental datasets • Strong written and oral communication skills, demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at professional conferences. • Experience with the Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem modeling software package. • Proficient in R statistical computing software. • Experience working in collaborative, multidisciplinary projects, and leading research projects. Salary: Annual salary is $26,000 for MS and $32,000 for PhD, plus tuition and benefits, including GatorGradCare health care plan, paid leave (5 days/per semester), and a voluntary retirement programs.
Start Date: Fall 2024 semester
Application Requirements: Please submit a letter of interest, resume or CV, unofficial transcripts and contact information of three references to David Chagaris, Applications will be accepted and reviewed as they are received, until the position is filled.