Form:CSDMS annual meeting

Revision as of 16:27, 6 February 2014 by Lauren (talk | contribs)
CSDMS 2014 Annual Meeting
Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling

May 20 - 22, 2014, Boulder Colorado, USA

Optional May 23rd: Post-meeting Software Bootcamp


The online conference registration is a three step process:

Step 1:
  • Log in
Log in (or create account for none CSDMS members)
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Step 2:
  • Register
Step 3:
  • Pay registration fee ($200)
  • or $240 when including Post-meeting Software Bootcamp
    Third party website
Pay button.png

Note 1: You only are successfully registered by fulfilling the above steps
Note 2: Do you want to make changes to you abstract?

  1. Log in.
  2. Select your registration record in "participants" and start making changes by clicking "Edit registration".

Objectives and general description

The CSDMS Meeting 2014 will bring Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling to your attention.

The meeting includes: 1) State-of-the art keynote presentations in earth-surface dynamics and modeling; 2) Hands-on clinics related to community models, tools and approaches; 3) Transformative software products and approaches designed to be accessible, easy to use, and relevant; 4) Breakout sessions for Working, Focus Research Groups and the Initiatives ; 5) Poster Sessions; and more.

Poster Information: The poster boards are configured for 4' wide by 6' tall (portrait orientation) posters. The deadline to submit abstracts is April 1, 2014.

Invited Keynote speakers

Tom Hsu
University of Delaware
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Sediment Transport
Jim McElwaine
Durham University (UK)
Modeling Granular Flows
Alexey Voinov
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
Peter Koons
University of Maine
Unifying Tectonics and Surface Processes in Geodynamics
Elowyn Yager
Center for Ecohydraulics, University of Idaho
Modeling the effects of vegetation on bedload transport
David Pyles
Chevron Center of Research Excellence, Colorado School of Mines
What field geologists look for in numerical simulations
Eric Larour
Ice Sheet Model Intercomparisons
Mick van der Wegen
How to quantify uncertainty in morphodynamics model predictions.
Rebecca Caldwell
Indiana University
A numerical modeling study of the effects of sediment properties on deltaic processes and morphology
Mariela Perignon
University of Colorado
Coupling vegetation to the ANUGA flow model
Atilla Lazar
University of Southampton
Linking social sciences, bio-physical sciences and governance in a dynamic framework
Rudy Slingerland
Penn State
FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory

Clinic Invitees

Fotis Sotiropoulos
University of Minnesota
SAFL Software
Greg Tucker
Eunseo Choi
Courtney Harris
Chris Jenkins
Michael Eldred (not yet confirmed)
Sandia NL
Michael Barton (not yet confirmed)
Arizona State University
Agent Based Modeling
Scott Peckham
University of Colorado
BMI and Standard Names
Chris Duffy (not yet confirmed)
Penn State
Monte Lunacek
University of Colorado
Interactive Data Analysis with Python

Post-meeting Software Bootcamp

CSDMS is proud to announce that we will have a Software Carpentry Bootcamp associated with the Annual Meeting. We will offer the first clinic on our last meeting day and then have a full extra day on Friday May 23rd, 2014.

A bootcamp is an on-site workshop, in our case 1 or 1,5 day long that covers the core computer and programming skills needed to be a productive data analyzer or model user/developer in a small research team:

  • the Unix shell (and how to automate repetitive tasks);
  • Python (and how to grow a program in a modular, testable way);
  • Git and GitHub (and how to track and share work efficiently);

Software Carpentry is a volunteer organization whose goal is to make scientists more productive, and their work more reliable, by teaching them basic computing skills. We will be bringing in their experienced instructors especially for these courses.

Computing is now an integral part of every aspect of science, but most scientists are never taught how to build, use, validate, and share software well. As a result, many spend hours or days doing things less sufficient. The software carpentry organization’s goal is to change that so that scientists can spend less time wrestling with software and more time doing useful research. Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises; learners work on their own laptops using either native software or a virtual machine, so that they have a working environment when the bootcamp is done.
Your registration fees of $40 for this camp include full access to all the clinic modules (Unix, version control and Python programming) and won't be reimbursed. It also includes coffee and lunch on Friday 23rd, 2014. Note that CSDMS will not be able to cover your additional hotel night.


Interested to see who registered for the meeting?


Within its budget, CSDMS intends to support member applicants to attend the annual meeting. Towards this goal, we encourage members to fully or partially cover their expenses if capable. We additionally thank those in the industry and agency fields for understanding that 1) we cannot compensate federal agency participants since our own funding is from NSF, and 2) we request that our industrial/ corporate participants cover their own costs thereby allowing more academic participants to attend.

To the extent possible, CSDMS intends to reimburse the registration fee, lodging (shared rooms at 100% and single rooms at 50% at Millennium Harvest House Hotel), and a limited amount of travel expenses of qualified registrants - those members who have attended all three days of the meeting and are not industry or federal employees.

Registration fee, lodging and possible additional travel costs for the one day Post-meeting Software Bootcamp will not be reimbursed.

Important for foreign travelers requesting reimbursement: If you need a visa to travel to USA, select a business visa. If you need an invitation letter, please email soonest. Also indicate whether specific wording is required in the letter. Second, we will need to copy the entry stamp in your passport sometime during the meeting as proof that you were here on business as required by US tax laws for reimbursement (especially when dealing with airfare.)

Travel, Lodging and Conference Center Information

The meeting will be held at UCAR Conference Center
Lodging for meeting participants is at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel
Please visit the CSDMS contact page for advice on ways to reach Boulder from the Denver Airport.

Student Scholarships

This year CSDMS offers a limited (up to 10) number of scholarships for graduate students to attend the CSDMS annual meeting. To be eligible, graduate students need to meet the following requirements:

  • Attend the whole meeting (20-22 May 2014)
  • Submit an abstract
  • Be enrolled as a graduate student at the time of the meeting (bring proof)
  • Submit a letter of motivation that states why you wish to participate in the meeting

The CSDMS scholarships will cover:

  • Registration costs
  • Travel (air fare ONLY within the United States and local transport)
  • Per diem to help reimburse the cost of meals from 20-22 May 2014 not offered in the conference schedule

To be considered, scholarship applications must be sent to Lauren Borkowski: before March 1st, 2014.

Important dates

  • February 1st: Registration opens
  • March 1st: Deadline student scholarship applications
  • April 1st: Deadline abstract submission & registration
  • May 20-22th: CSDMS annual meeting
  • May 23rd: Post-meeting Software Bootcamp
  • May 23rd: CSDMS Executive and Steering committees meeting (by invitation only)