Form:CSDMS annual meeting

Revision as of 16:38, 22 January 2014 by Lauren (talk | contribs)
CSDMS 2014 Annual Meeting
Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling

May 20 - 22, 2014, Boulder Colorado, USA


Registration will be open in February

Additional information will be posted soon.

Objectives and general description

The CSDMS Meeting 2014 will bring Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling to your attention.

The meeting includes: 1) State-of-the art keynote presentations in earth-surface dynamics and modeling; 2) Hands-on clinics related to community models, tools and approaches; 3) Transformative software products and approaches designed to be accessible, easy to use, and relevant; 4) Breakout sessions for Working, Focus Research Groups and the Initiatives ; 5) Poster Sessions; and more.

Poster Information: The poster boards are configured for 4' wide by 6' tall (portrait orientation) posters. The deadline to submit abstracts is April 1, 2014.


Will follow shortly

Invited Keynote speakers

Tom Hsu (confirmed)
University of Delaware
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Sediment Transport
Jim McElwaine (confirmed)
Durham University (UK)
Modeling Granular Flows
Alexey Voinov
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
Peter Koons
University of Maine
Modeling geodynamics using GPUs
Elowyn Yager
Center for Ecohydraulics, University of Idaho
Modeling the effects of vegetation on bedload transport
David Pyles (confirmed)
Chevron Center of Research Excellence, Colorado School of Mines
What field geologists look for in numerical simulations
Eric Larour (confirmed)
Ice Sheet Model Intercomparisons
Mick van der Wegen (confirmed)
How to quantify uncertainty in morphodynamics model predictions.
Rebecca Caldwell (confirmed)
Indiana University
Modeling delta morphology and the effect of grain size
Mariela Perignon (confirmed)
University of Colorado
Coupling vegetation to the ANUGA flow model
Atilla Lazar
University of Southampton
Linking social sciences, bio-physical sciences and governance in a dynamic framework
Rudy Slingerland (confirmed)
Penn State
FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory
Jerry Mitrovica
Harvard University
Sea level dynamics


Fotis Sotiropoulos (confirmed)
University of Minnesota
SAFL Software
Greg Tucker (confirmed)
Eunseo Choi
Courtney Harris
Chris Jenkins (confirmed)
Michael Eldred
Sandia NL
Ad Reniers
University of Miami
Michael Barton
Arizona State University
Agent Based Modeling
Scott Peckham (confirmed)
University of Colorado
BMI and Standard Names
Chris Duffy
Penn State
Monte Lunacek
University of Colorado


Within its budget, CSDMS intends to support member applicants to attend the annual meeting. Towards this goal, we encourage members to fully or partially cover their expenses if capable. We additionally thank those in the industry and agency fields for understanding that 1) we cannot compensate federal agency participants since our own funding is from NSF, and 2) we request that our industrial/ corporate participants cover their own costs thereby allowing more academic participants to attend.

To the extent possible, CSDMS intends to reimburse the registration fee, lodging (shared rooms at 100% and single rooms at 50% at Millennium Harvest House Hotel), and a limited amount of travel expenses of qualified registrants - those members who have attended all three days of the meeting and are not industry or federal employees.

Important for foreign travelers requesting reimbursement: If you need a visa to travel to USA, select a business visa. If you need an invitation letter, please email soonest. Also indicate whether specific wording is required in the letter. Second, we will need to copy the entry stamp in your passport sometime during the meeting as proof that you were here on business as required by US tax laws for reimbursement (especially when dealing with airfare.)

Travel, Lodging and Conference Center Information

The meeting will be held at UCAR Conference Center
Lodging for meeting participants is at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel
Please visit the CSDMS contact page for advice on ways to reach Boulder from the Denver Airport.