2018 CSDMS Annual Meeting:

With Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - What Lies Ahead for Earth Surface Modeling ?

A Forum, 1030-1230pm, Thursday 24th May 2018, SEEC Room C120 (main auditorium)

Convened by Chris JENKINS (INSTAAR, Boulder CO) and Jeff OBELCZ (NRL, Stennis, MS)

Questions for the Forum

  • What can AI and ML currently do that might benefit Earth Surface Dynamics Modeling ?
  • What is the relationship between Process Modelling and AI/ML ?
  • How should CSDMS Community Respond to the Appearance of AI/ML
  • What Earth Surface Dynamics Modeling-related tasks are not suited for AI/ML? Why?

Agenda and Survey Docs

Please see the Agenda at HERE

Please complete and return the simple Pre-Clinic Survey (3 questions, ~1 minute)

Other groupings

NSF May 2018. Statement on Artificial Intelligence for American Industry. NSF director outlines vision for AI that benefits the economy and U.S. workers.

IS-GEO, May 2018. The IS-GEO Research Coordination Network aims to support an emerging community of researchers in intelligent systems (IS) and geosciences (GEO). A NSF Research Coordination Network.

Background Reading

  • Participants can share URL's here to papers that discuss the workings of AI/ML and applications in fields such as ours. Some papers are also relevant to questions for the forum (above).

A number of copies will be made available at the forum.

Jones, N. 2018. How machine learning could help to improve climate forecasts. Nature 548, 379–380 (24 August 2017) doi:10.1038/548379a .

Grover, A. et al. 2015. A Deep Hybrid Model for Weather Forecasting. 2015 ACM, DOI:

Abbot, J. & Marohasy,J. 2013. The Application Of Artificial Intelligence For Monthly Rainfall Forecasting In The Brisbane Catchment, Queensland, Australia. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 172, 125 - 135. DOI:10.2495/RBM130111

Karpatne, A., et al., 2017. Machine Learning for the Geosciences: Challenges and Opportunities. Workshop on Mining Big Data in Climate and Environment (MBDCE 2017), 17th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2017).

Burghard, C. 2017. From Bench to Bedside: Deep Learning’s Journey in Healthcare. (Registration required)

Datascience 2018. Resources. Culver City CA (Commercially oriented source of up-to-date briefings, useful even down to technical levels.)

Joppa, L.N. 2017. The case for technology investments in the environment. Create an artificial-intelligence platform for the planet, urges Lucas N. Joppa. Nature 552, 325-328 (2017), doi:10.1038/d41586-017-08675-7.

Marone, C. 2018. Training machines in Earthly ways. Nature Geoscience 11, 301-302 (2018), doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0117-5 .

Rahimi, A. 2018 Reflections on Random Kitchen Sinks 'arg minblog' May 2018. and commentary: Hutson, M. 2018. AI researchers allege that machine learning is alchemy Science May 2018.

Thessen, A.E. 2016. Adoption of Machine Learning Techniques in Ecology and Earth Science. One Ecosystem 1: e8621. DOI10.3897/oneeco.1.e8621.

Displays during the Forum

  • Posters, and printed materials for distribution will be available at the event

Online Resources for the Forum

  • This Wiki will serve Abstracts, URL's, Posters, Images supplied by participants before and during the meeting

Dateline: CJ 17May2018Small text