Meeting:Abstract 2013 CSDMS meeting-084

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CSDMS all hands meeting 2013

Linking Sediment Transport Processes and Biogeochemistry with Application to the Louisiana Continental Shelf

Courtney Harris, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Gloucester Point Virginia, United States.

[[Image:|300px|right|link=File:]]Though it enhances the exchange of porewater and solids with the overlying water, the role that sediment resuspension and redeposition play in biogeochemistry of coastal systems is debated. Numerical models of geochemical processes and diagenesis have traditionally parameterized relatively long timescales, and rarely attempted to include resuspension. Meanwhile, numerical models developed to represent sediment transport have largely ignored geochemistry. Here, we couple the Community Sediment Transport Modeling System (CSTMS) to a biogeochemical model within the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The multi-layered sediment bed model accounts for erosion, deposition, and biodiffusion. It has recently been modified to include dissolved porewater constituents, particulate organic matter, and geochemical reactions.

For this talk, we explore the role that resuspension and redeposition play in biogeochemical cycles within the seabed and in benthic boundary layer by running idealized, one-dimensional test cases designed to represent a 20-m deep site on the Louisiana Shelf. Results from this are contrasted to calculations from an implementation similar to a standard diagenesis model. Comparing these, the results indicate that resuspension acts to enhance sediment bed oxygen consumption.