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Template:CCMP FRG

Chesapeake Focus Research Group


This is the first Geographically-Focussed Research Group (GFRG) associated with CSDMS. The group is a partnership between CSDMS and the Chesapeake Community Modeling Program (CCMP, currently run by the Chesapeake Research Consortium.

The Chesapeake Bay research community has come together to cooperatively build an open source system of watershed and estuary models. Through support from CRC member institutions and the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, CCMP modelers have committed to developing a modeling framework that will enable free and open access to code specific to the Chesapeake Bay region. As a complementary activity to the CBP modeling program, the Chesapeake Community Model Program will strive to develop a comprehensive model consisting of interchangeable individual modules covering all aspects of hydrodynamics, ecosystem dynamics, trophic exchanges, and watershed interactions towards a future linked watershed-estuary model.

There are obvious areas of overlap between CSDMS and CCMP and we hope that this CFRG can capitalize on synergies from both programs. At present we are soliciting for members of the Working Group. Once there are enough folks who have singed up ( & willing to roll up their sleeves), then we will converge on a meeting time and place . During the meeting we can:

  1. get everyone up to speed on CCMP, CSDMS and model integration pathway that CSDMS is employing (modified CCA for the Architecture and framework, BABEL as the language independent compiler, modified OpenMI for interface standards etc etc),
  2. get everyone up to speed on appropriate Cheseapeake modeling tools in use by the CCMP community,
  3. get everyone up to speed on the valuable field data that CCMP offers for code testing,
  4. develop some simple, doable short term, intermediate term and longer term goals for the group, and
  5. perhaps assign some tasks to the members.


Click here to join the group:

Chair (interim)
Alexey Voinov
Chesapeake Research Consortium Community Modeling Program & Dept. of Geography and Environm. Engineering Johns Hopkins University
645 Contees Wharf Road
Edgewater, MD 21037
P.O. Box 28
Phone: +1 410 798-1283
