In this clinic, we will talk about diversity in a way that makes it approachable and actionable. We advocate that actions in support of diversity can happen at all career levels, so everyone who is interested can partake.
We will discuss concrete strategies and opportunities to help you bring a diverse research group together. Creating a diverse group can be through reaching out to undergraduate minority students to engage in undergraduate research experiences. This can be done ground-up, i.e. by graduate students in a mentoring role as productively as a faculty in a hiring role. We are all supervisors and mentors in our own ways. We will highlight a number of approaches to engage with underrepresented minority students when recruiting new graduate students, and suggest some concrete adjustments of your recruitment processes to be as inclusive as possible. But being proactive does not stop after recruitment. The clinic will have dedicated discussion time to engage in role play, and provide stories about situations in which you can be an ally. We will identify some pitfalls, ways to reclaim, and provide ideas for more inclusive meetings and mentoring.
Lastly, together we can work on creating an overview of current programs that focus on diversity and inclusion, to apply for funding to take action.
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