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Data Component Use Case for Overland Flow Simulation

1.5 hrs
Run online using:

    Tian Gan at University of Colorado Boulder.

Overland flow, particularly the infiltration-excess mechanism, is affected by the nature of water input through precipitation. This Jupyter notebook demonstrates how to use the CSDMS Data Components to download the topography dataset and use the Landlab components to delineate the watershed and simulate the overland flow for a study area in the Boulder County.

Classroom organization
In this lab, you will learn how to use the Data Components to download terrain and climate datasets. You will also learn how to couple the Data Components with the Landlab components for watershed delineation and overland flow simulation.

Learning objectives
  • Learn to use Python to create plots and movies
  • Learn to use different Data Components
  • Learn to couple Data and Model Components
Key concepts
  • Landlab
  • Data-Model Integration
  • CSDMS Data Component

Lab notes
This lab can be run on the lab (for educators) and jupyter (for general use) instances of the OpenEarthscape JupyterHub: just click one of the links under the Run online using heading at the top of this page, then run the notebook in the "CSDMS" kernel. If you don't already have a JupyterHub account, follow the instructions to sign up at If you're an educator, you can get JupyterHub accounts for students--please contact us through the CSDMS Help Desk:

If run locally, please use the environment yaml file to create a virtual environment for running the notebook (

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1831623 and No. ,

  • Barnhart, K. R., Hutton, E. W. H., Tucker, G. E., M. Gasparini, N., Istanbulluoglu, E., E. J. Hobley, D., J. Lyons, N., Mouchene, M., Siddhartha Nudurupati, S., M. Adams, J., & Bandaragoda, C. (2020). Short communication: Landlab v2.0: A software package for Earth surface dynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8(2), 379–397.!%5Bimage.png%5D
  • de Almeida, G. A., Bates, P., Freer, J. E., & Souvignet, M. (2012). Improving the stability of a simple formulation of the shallow water equations for 2‐D flood modeling. Water Resources Research, 48(5).
  • Adams, J. M., Gasparini, N. M., Hobley, D. E. J., Tucker, G. E., Hutton, E. W. H., Nudurupati, S. S., and Istanbulluoglu, E.: The Landlab v1.0 OverlandFlow component: a Python tool for computing shallow-water flow across watersheds, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1645–1663,, 2017.