2018 CSDMS meeting-073
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conduitFoam: a one-dimensional subglacial conduit mode
Subglacial hydraulics significantly affects the ice dynamics in Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, however, has been poorly understood due to the lack of data. Here we present an OpenFOAM-based one-dimensional subglacial model, conduitFoam, to study the hydraulics and ice dynamics of polar ice sheets. This model solves the coupled
mass conservation equations for ice and water, the momentum and energy conservation equations for water, with a lake-conduit or moulin-conduit system as constraint boundaries. The model is validated using the theoretical solution applied in early melting stage and lake melting stage of the Greenland ice sheet and can be used to infer the subglacial conduit properties and the ice sheet dynamics in both seasonal and diurnal melting situations.