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=CSDMS sessions at AGU fall meeting=
=CSDMS sessions at AGU fall meeting=

[[image:CSDMS-AGU2016.png|right|400px|link=]]<br><br>The AGU fall meeting will take place December 12-16, 2016 in San Francisco, California. CSDMS chairs and members have submitted several numerical modeling related sessions (''see below'') and we encourage CSDMS members and other that are interested to submit abstracts to those sessions. '''''Be aware that the abstract deadline is Wednesday, August 3rd'''''. So please, submit an abstract to one of the sessions below.<br>
[[image:CSDMS-AGU2016.png|right|400px|link=]]<br><br>The AGU fall meeting will take place December 12-16, 2016 in San Francisco, California. CSDMS chairs and members have submitted several numerical modeling related sessions (''see below'') and we encourage CSDMS members and others that are interested to attend the sessions!
To submit an abstract go to: [].

Latest revision as of 14:53, 8 December 2016

CSDMS sessions at AGU fall meeting[edit]

The AGU fall meeting will take place December 12-16, 2016 in San Francisco, California. CSDMS chairs and members have submitted several numerical modeling related sessions (see below) and we encourage CSDMS members and others that are interested to attend the sessions!

CSDMS sponsored AGU sessions

Moving Down the Chain - Studying Earth Surface Processes Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approaches Across Scales I & II
Conveners: Tian-Jian Hsu, Scott Peckham, Eckart Meiburg, Xiaofeng Liu

Related to CSDMS group:
Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group

Modeling the dynamics of surface processes, e.g., the movement of fluids, and the flux of sediment and solutes requires a multi-scale approach. From a sand grain to regional scales, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a vital tool in the understanding of competing mechanisms, their interactions as well as accurate predictions. CFD has been applied to understand processes relevant to geomorphology and sediment source to sink, such as sedimentation, resuspension and turbidity currents. A grand challenge, e.g., as has been addressed by the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS), is to effectively integrate key processes of different scales through parameterizations, model coupling, adaptive mesh refinement, and assimilative methodology. The purpose of this session is to get together researchers who use CFD to tackle earth surface processes. Particularly, we welcome abstracts addressing how model development and applications at different scales can collectively improve our physical understanding and prediction of earth surface processes.

Session ID: EP51C. session 1 Oral EP51C:
Session ID: EP53F. session 2 Poster EP53F:

Advances in Integration of Earth System Dynamics and Social System Models
Conveners: Kimberly G Rogers, Isaac Ullah, Albert J. Kettner, Mark D.A. Rounsevell

Related to CSDMS group:
Human Dimensions Focus Research Group

The dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere, geosphere and biosphere are increasingly affected by human activities. At the same time, the outcome of these dynamics significantly impact human decisions and societies. Process models improve our ability to simulate how our planet is shaped, but have typically considered humans as exogenous to the Earth system. We know, however, that complex bidirectional feedbacks between human and natural processes greatly affect the system and the people inhabiting it. We invite contributions presenting diverse, interdisciplinary examples that push the boundaries of coupled social and biogeophysical modeling. We encourage both numerical and conceptual models, including socio-ecological and socio-hydrologic systems, integrated assessment, agent-based approaches, dynamic networks, and social informatics. These may address successes and challenges arising from scaling local processes to global dynamics, time lags, socio-natural feedbacks, disentangling complexity, multi-scalar problems, and emergent properties produced by coupled social-biogeophysical models.

Session ID: GC31A. session 1 Poster GC31A:

Connecting Geodynamics and Surface Processes: Theoretical and Field-Based Approaches I & II
Conveners: Phaedra Upton, Samual Roy, Jean-Arthur L. Olive, Luca C. Malatesta

Related to CSDMS group:
Geodynamics Focus Research Group

Understanding the feedbacks between solid-Earth deformation, surface processes and landscape evolution requires a process-based approach that integrates observations and models across all spatial and temporal scales. The Earth’s surface is a dynamic interface that evolves through the influence of tectonic and geomorphic drivers. Changes in tectonic forcings generally have spectacular geomorphological consequences. In turn, processes of surface erosion and transport can alter the near-surface stress field and influence fault evolution, uplift/subsidence patterns and surface heat flow. These mechanisms feed back on topography, and thus on the activity of geomorphic agents. This session sets out to explore current research into coupled problems of geomorphology, surface processes and geodynamics. We welcome contributions utilizing a combination of field, experimental, analytical and numerical approaches.

Session ID: EP53B. session 1 Poster EP53B:
Session ID: EP54A. session 2 Oral EP54A:

Earth surface modeling for education: adaptation, successes, and challenges
Conveners: Wei Luo, Mariela C. Perignon, Peter N. Adams, Carol J. Ormand

Related to CSDMS group:
Education and Knowledge Transfer (EKT) Working Group

Earth's surface is the ever-changing, dynamic interface between lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere. Surface dynamics models (SDMs) enable researchers to predict the movement of water and the flux of sediment and solutes in the environment. SDMs can also help students understand complicated surface processes and their interactions by exploring different scenarios and observing the associated outcomes. In addition, modeling exposes students to quantitative analysis and associated uncertainty, which are critical skills to master.
However, for SDMs to be useful for education (especially at the undergraduate level), simplifications and adaptations are necessary. Furthermore, the efficacy of SDMs in enhancing students’ learning should be documented with classroom assessment statistics. The proposed session aims to bring together researchers/educators to discuss the latest efforts in adapting SDMs for educational purposes, successes as demonstrated by classroom use, and challenges and issues to be addressed in the future.

Session ID: ED13C. session 1 Poster ED13C:

Transforming hydrologic prediction and decision making: uncertainty II
Conveners: Albert J. Kettner, David Groves, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Mary C. Hill

Related to CSDMS group:
Hydrology Focus Research Group

Management of coupled natural-human systems increasingly focused on building resilience in coupled natural-human systems to climate change and other severe stressors. Supporting numerical projections the natural-human coupled systems, including hydrology, can be at best considered deeply uncertain. Although scenario-based planning is helpful in creating narratives of plausible futures for such systems, decision makers do not know or cannot agree on the full suite of risks in the system. This session welcomes advances in bottom-up, robust decision making approaches and contributions on state of the art numerical methods to estimate hydrological future projections: (i) methodological advances in decision making and other bottom-up approaches, especially relating to combating climate change, (ii) interdisciplinary case studies that include stakeholder engagement, (iii) uncertainty quantification approaches to support decision making, (iv) advances in quantifying changes in freshwater availability and hydrological extremes (both droughts and floods), and (v) new methods for evaluating uncertainties in hydrological projections.

Session ID: H34E. session 2 Oral H34E:

Exploration, observation and modeling of fast-moving glaciers, ice sheets and permafrost landscapes I & II
Conveners: Irina Overeem, Ute C Herzfeld, Elchin E. Jafarov, Julia Kowalski

Related to CSDMS group:
Polar (Potential CSDMS 3.0 initiative)

Glacial, permafrost landscapes, and sea ice controlled coastal zones of the polar regions are all uniquely dominated by prolonged freezing and short-lived thaw. The polar environment is rapidly responding to warming and shifts in these freeze-thaw dynamics. Rapid change causes an urgent need to improve our predictability of the polar system at several scales, global, regional and local. This session aims to highlight new developments in numerical modeling of Arctic climate, sea-ice, ice-sheet and permafrost and periglacial processes, which can ultimately lead to improved predictability of the polar system. We welcome contributions on detailed process modeling of the Arctic natural system, as well as more integrated models of the polar system. This session will have a special focus on new approaches to model-data comparison, techniques for uncertainty quantification, scaling and model intercomparison.

Session ID: C51E. session 1 Oral C51E:
Session ID: C53B. session 2 Poster C53B:

Modeling the Terrestrial Landscape I & II
Conveners: Gregory E. Tucker, Nicole M. Gasparini, Erkan Istanbulluoglu

Related to CSDMS group:
Terrestrial Working Group

This session explores computational models for earth-surface processes, and data sets that can be used to test them. Models for a wide variety of terrestrial systems, including geomorphic, hydrologic, biogeochemical, fluvial, sedimentary, eolian, cryospheric, ecologic, and morphotectonic, continue to advance in both explanatory power and sophistication. We welcome contributions that deal with the various facets of models and model-data comparison: creating and exploring new models and concepts, comparing models with data sets, new data sets that demand better models, community modeling projects that foster connection and collaboration, novel computational algorithms, new data that challenge current models, models that capture (or fail to capture) the essence of a particular pattern or phenomenon, models that explore a previously underappreciated process or feedback, and beyond. Especially encouraged are studies that examine the coupling between processes and/or domains, as enabled for example by advances such as the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System’s model-coupling technology.

Session ID: EP41D. session 1 Oral EP41D:
Session ID: EP41A. session 2 Poster EP41A:

Recent advances in ocean biogeochemical observations and modeling I, II & III
Conveners: Nicole S. Lovenduski, John P. Dunne, Britton B. Stephens

Related to CSDMS group:
Biogeochemistry (Potential CSDMS 3.0 initiative)

Ocean biogeochemistry-ecosystem models are powerful tools to study biogeochemical cycling, ocean carbon uptake and transport, and the impacts of environmental change on marine ecosystems through multiple stressors including warming, hypoxia, acidification and other factors. Such models are now widely used in both global earth system and regional modeling studies. This session will highlight recent advances in ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling, including, but not limited to: advances in high resolution, ensemble approaches for prediction and detection/attribution, regional configurations and mesh refinements, and advances in biogeochemical and ecosystem comprehensiveness and robustness. Further, we welcome submissions related to ocean biogeochemical and ecological model skill assessment using hydrographic, underway, autonomous, and satellite data products.

Session ID: OS41D. session 1 Oral OS41D:
Session ID: OS42A. session 2 Oral OS42A:
Session ID: OS43B. session 3 Poster OS43B:

Bridging Boundaries in Surface Dynamics of Estuarine, Coastal, and Marine Systems using Models, Laboratory Studies, and Observations I, II & III
Conveners: Courtney K. Harris, Raleigh R. Hood, A. Brad Murray, Patricia Wiberg

Related to CSDMS group:
Coastal Working Group
Marine Working Group
Chesapeake Focus Research Group

Researchers investigating morphodynamics and transport in specific environments increasingly must consider impacts of neighboring domains, either as parts of an integrated system or as boundary conditions or forcing. This is especially true along continental margins, where the coastline, continental shelf, and estuaries themselves mark boundaries between terrestrial, fluvial, and oceanic domains; and experience feedbacks with atmospheric systems. Understanding coastal systems depends on observational and lab studies that bridge spatial or disciplinary divides to characterize interactions of system components and fluxes across geographic boundaries. Advances in numerical modeling have also facilitated such transdisciplinary research through model coupling and nesting, e.g., Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) provides tools for combining modeling approaches for system components. This session highlights coastal-system research that explores processes and feedbacks across traditional disciplinary and environmental boundaries. Observational, laboratory, and modeling studies bridging spatial domains, or interdisciplinary studies that blend physical, chemical, and biological processes are welcome.

Session ID: EP21B. session 1 Poster EP21B:
Session ID: EP23C. session 2 Oral EP23C:
Session ID: EP24B. session 3 Oral EP24B:

See you all at AGU!