
3-yr PostDoc to explore "eXtreme EuRopean drOughtS"
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, UFZ, , Germany
Apply before: 3 March 2019

We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to join us at the Computational HydroSystems (CHS) Group at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ (Leipzig, Germany) to work on the DFG-funded project “XEROS: eXtreme EuRopean drOughtS: Multimodel synthesis of past, present and future events”. XEROS is a part of a bilateral German-Czech project in collaboration with the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague - CULS.

The XEROS project aims at (1) assessing the extremity of recent European drought events in the perspective of long (i.e., 500-year) benchmark period; (2) improving the process understanding of drought genesis; finally (3) enhancing the reliability of future hydro-climatic projections.

The underlying analysis will employ a multi-model reconstruction of hydrologic variables using the palaeoclimatic reconstructed driving data. Current state-of-the-art hydrologic/land surface models will be used to estimate spatio-temporal dynamics of the surface and subsurface water component. This will enable an improved understanding of historical characterisation of large-scale drought events and exploratory analysis of the governing atmospheric parameters influencing the genesis of droughts. The XEROS project builds upon a modelling infrastructure which has been recently established across Europe by CHS and CULS teams.

The candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in hydrology/environmental sciences, physics, or climatology. Additionally, the candidate should have very good programming and scripting skills, sound experience in modelling the complex interaction of land-surface hydrologic processes, strong scientific background in statistical analysis of hydrologic and climate variability as well as experience in writing scientific publications.

The closing date for applications is 3 March 2019.

Duration of the project is 36-months.

Starting day: as soon as possible

Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group