Author(s) | Li, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weizhong; Yang, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Jun A.; Pichel, William G.; Li, Ziwei; |
BibType | journalArticle |
Title | Coexistence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Boundary Layer Rolls Observed by SAR* |
Editors | |
Year | 2013-11-01 |
Journal | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences |
Booktitle | |
Volume | 70 |
Pages | 3448–3459 |
URL | |
DOI | 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0347.1 |
ISBN | |
Note | Auto downloaded ref at: 2020-06-19
Feature reference | No |
PublicationClusterID | 0 |
MS_PublicationClusterID | 2115889871 |
Semantic_ID | 68a5646bf7b27df364035232eab46ff3d08fe01f |
Nr of citations | 36 |
Sort of publication | a module application description |
Sort of model publication | a single module |
Is the CSDMS HPC used | No |
If HPC is used, for what project was it?: | |
Associated simulation movie if any: |
Model(s) discussed: | WRF |