Property:Describe input parameters model


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%ocean climate parameters Wave Height (m) Wave Period (s) Wave Climate Asymmetry (-) Wave Climate High-Angle Proportion (-) Tidal Amplitude (m) Tidal Angular Frequency (rad/s) %barrier model parameters Sea-level Rise Rate (m/yr) Coastal Plain Slope (-) Critical Barrier Width (m) Critical Barrier Height (m) Maximum Overwash Flux (m3/m/yr) %inlet parameters Minimum Inlet Spacing (m) Inlet Aspect Ratio (-) Inlet Equilibrium Velocity (m/s) Grain size (m) %back-barrier parameters Back-barrier depth (m) Manning Roughness (sm^-(1/3)) Fraction Marsh Cover (-)  +
'''Input Data needed''': required and optional (based on project needs and data availability): Spatial data (GIS maps) - to be brought into GRASS GIS ''Basic requirements'': * DEM (Digital Elevation Model) ''Optional'': * Stream network, stream gage locations * Meteorological station locations * Vegetation and soil type, LAI * Road network, landcover/landuse (eg. residential, agricultural, open space, etc...) * Snow redistribution Timeseries data - natural and human induced inputs as text files: ''Basic requirements'': * Daily Precipitation (Meters) * Daily Maximum Temperature (°C) * Daily Minimum Temperature (°C) ''Optional'': * Day length (seconds) * Duration of rainfall (hours) * Zone and seasonal scaling of LAI (unitless) * Incoming longwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming direct shortwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming diffuse shortwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Nitrogen deposition as NO3 (kg/(meters2)/day) * Nitrogen deposition as NH4 (kg/(meters2)/day) * Incoming direct PAR radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming diffuse PAR radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Relative humidity (Range (0-1)) * Mean daytime temperature (°C) * Night time temperature at sundown (°C) * Soil temperature (°C) * Vapour pressure deficit (Pa) * Wind speed (meters/sec) * Carbon dioxide (CO2) (parts per million/year)  +
(1) Daily climate data including precipitation, temperature, and (optional) potential evapotranspiration (python dictionary object), (2) A model configuration file (.yaml; settings for the HydroCNHS and ABM models), and (3) ABM modules (.py; customized human models).  +
(1) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) & Bed Elevation (2) Soil texture or hydrologic properties (3) Geology texture or hydrologic properties (4) Land cover and vegetation parameters  +
(1) the length along a square cell face (dx), (2) 2 of the following 3 arrays describing the domain: (a) the water depth (depth); (b) the water stage (stage); (c) the topography (topography), (3) either the x and y components of water velocity (u and v) or the x and y components of the water discharge (qx and qy), (4) and some optional parameters that include values related to the random walk weighting scheme, travel time calculations, and even the distance and direction assumptions related to the grid.  +
(See: * Grid and Boundary Information File (fort.14) - required * Model Parameter and Periodic Boundary Condition File (fort.15) - required * Passive Scalar Transport Input File (fort.10) - conditional * Density Initial Condition Input File (fort.11) – conditional * Nodal Attributes File (fort.13) – conditional * Non-periodic Elevation Boundary Condition File (fort.19) - conditional * Non-periodic, Normal Flux Boundary Condition File (fort.20) - conditional * Single File Meteorological Forcing Input (fort.22) - conditional * Multiple File Meterological Forcing Input (fort.200,…..) - conditional * Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File (fort.23) - conditional * Self Attraction/Earth Load Tide Forcing File (fort.24) - conditional * 2DDI Hot Start Files (fort.67 or fort.68) – conditional  +
*Elastic thickness map (ASCII) *Load map (ASCII) *dx, dy *Material properties **Young's modulus **Poisson's ratio **density of load **density of infilling material (optional; this can also be done via iteration for more complicated situations Only the elastic thickness and load need to be actual input files. The rest (scalars) can be specified at the command line interface.   +
*Input topography OR initial relative coverage of high-resistance vegetation community *Annual duration of high-flow events *Initial surface-water level *Water surface slope during high-flow events *Bed sediment diffusion coefficient (for erosion by gravity) *Critical shear stress for entrainment of bed sediment (model uses a flocculent sediment transport relation) and corresponding entrainment function * Scaling factor affecting maximum peat accretion rate of high-flow-resistance community * Scaling factor affecting equilibrium elevation of high-flow-resistance community * Scaling factor for vegetative propagation/below-ground biomass expansion rates * Scaling factor for lateral velocities * Effected suspended sediment settling velocity * Soil bulk density * Optional: Mean annual evapotranspiration in each vegetation community * Optional: Vertical profiles of vegetation stem architecture and diameter and drag coefficient relationships for vegetation communities (otherwise model will use default high-flow-resistance and low-flow-resistance communities = ridge and slough vegetation communities in the Everglades)   +
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1) barrier3d-parameters.yaml: yaml-formatted text file containing initial values for all static and dynamic variables 2) barrier3d-elevation.npy: Initial interior elevation grid 3) barrier3d-storms.npy: Stochastically generated sequence of storms (generated by randomly sampling from a list of synthetic storms) 4) barrier3d-dunes.npy: Initial height of dune cells 5) barrier3d-growthparam.npy: Alongshore varying growth rates for the dune domain If desired, (3-5) can be generated within the model run script to create unique conditions for each run - e.g., instead of using the same storm history by drawing from the a single barrier3d-storms.npy file, a new storm series can be stochastically generated for each run.  +
1. Flood inundation extent layer (shapefile or feature in a Geodatabase) 2. Digital Elevation Model (DEM; ArcGIS-supported raster formats)  +
2D bathymetric grid, offshore boundary wave height period and direction  +
A NetCDF file, the name of the variable that you want to extract, and (optionally) a lat/lon position in which you would like to extract data from that variable  +
A configuration file specifying models and variables to confront against benchmark data sets.  +
A grid with initial elevation. Hydrologic time step and geomorphic time step Hydrologic paramters: average rainfall intensity, rainall duration, interstorm period, infiltration capacity, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, aquifer depth, specific yield, PET Geomorphic parameters: baselevel lowering rate, diffusivity for hillslope processes, weathering rate, parameters for erosion and sediment transport model  +
A long list of coefficient depending on the differential equations that are being solved and on the chosen closure relationships.  +
A self-explanatory file "input.inp" should be set before running the code. Flow and particle parameters such as Reynolds number, Peclet number, particle settling velocity(ies) can be set here. Also, number of grid nodes, domain length, output file flags and simulation runtime, etc should be entered.  +
A two-component structure of a soil moisture accounting (SMA) module and a routing or unit hydrograph module.  +
AR2 model parameters, as defined in wrapper script  +
Air Temperature : seasonal range of air temperature Snow parameters: winter-averaged Snow Thickness and Snow Density, thermal conductivity of snow Vegetation parameters: Vegetation height, vegetation thermal conductivity Soil properties: volumetric water content, heat capacity in frozen and thawed state  +
All input for PHREEQC version 3 is defined in keyword data blocks, each of which may have a series of identifiers for specific types of data.; See 'Description of Input and Examples for PHREEQC Version 3 - A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations'.  +
All input parameters are defined in a well-documented and commented Matlab parameter file. Only a Digital Elevation Model, preferable in GeoTIFF format is needed.  +
All input that LISFLOOD requires are either in map or table format.  +
Arc ASCII grids of topography and non-erodible basement. Program will create input grids also.  +
Area schematization (mesh, bathymetry/topography, characteristics of structures, open boundary locations), process selection, initial conditions, forcings (boundary,atmospheric), time step, time frame, numerical settings, output options  +
Backend: ROMSBuilder is written in Python and the main classes are and Default inputs are provided through roms_builder_input.cfg file. The three required input set on the tab dialogs for creating the new ROMS component are, Header file path, this is the path to your header (*.h) file. The other option is to enter value into the tab dialogs. ex. /home/csdms/sims/roms_builder/upwelling Application name, this should be the name of your new ROMS Application and must be specified in UPPERCASE. ex. UPWELLING New component name, this is the name of the new component. As bocca cannot have two components with the same name, every time you create a new component the name should be unique.  +
Basic input requires: Habitat area, Biomass in habitat area, Production/biomass, Consumption/biomass, Ecotrophic efficiency, Production/consumption, Unassimilated consuption, detritus import  +
Basic parameters for a sediment transport model (grain size, efficiency coefficients, coefficient of friction, wave friction factor, density, etc) most are in there using values from the literature, but easily modified. Flow. (Sinusoidal, steady or combined flows can be created, as well as natural flow data can be used.) A random "turbulent" flow is imposed - this needs a magnitude. Jump fraction - given distance sediment moves with flow  +
Bathymetry Incident Wave Spectra Current Fields  +
Because this is a toolkit for model building, there are no set input parameters. Rather, developers use the code to create their own models, with their own unique inputs. The ModelParameterDictionary tool provides formatted ASCII input for model parameters. The I/O component also handles input of digital elevation models (DEMs) in standard ArcInfo ASCII format.  +
Bed shear stress distribution and derivitives, Sediment transport parameters, Hiding function option (Komar / Egaziaroff), Saltation height option (Bridge / Einstein), Grain size and density distribution control parameters, Grain density values, Weight proportion of available bed material in each size-density fraction, Initial boundary condition (clear water inflow / equilibrium condition / well or not erosion or diposition in the dead of the reach)  +
Binary channel mask imagery (georeferencing optional). Imagery through time can be input to assess planform changes.  +
Boundary Reynolds Number and Grain Size  +
Boundary Reynolds Number, D50 of the bed, Shields Theta for D50 size fraction, median diameters of the other bed size fractions  +
Channel geometry SLR rate Reference sediment concentration Parameters for sediment transport, organic accretion, pond dynamics, ditch dynamics  +
Channel geometry (e.g. bank height/angle, width, longitudinal profile); bed grain size distribution; discharge time series; sediment input time series; bank soil parameters (critical shear stress and cohesion)  +
Cross section width Channel length Tidal range Mud erodability Mud critical shear stress Settling velocity Creep coefficient for unvegetated mud Creep coefficient for vegetated mud (marsh) Boundary suspended sediment concentration (during flood) Maximum vegetation biomass Minimum elevation for vegetation growth Maximum elevation for vegetation growth Parameters for organic sediment production Rate of relative sea level rise  +
Cross-sectional average flow velocity and water depth  +
Currently set up to modify the initial conditions (run time, wave height, current velocity, current dir., etc.) from within the source code.  +
DEM as ascii grid (output from arcGIS), Rainfall data as a space separated ascii file (straightforward list), Inputs of water/sediment in an ascii file. Other single value parameter inputs for grainsize, flow parameters, slope processes etc..  +
DEM raster and Hexagon shapefile, stream segment threshold  +
DEM, National Hydrography Dataset Plus High Resolution  +
DEM, land-use/land-cover, stream channels, precipitation, soils, aquifer maps. These index maps are used to classify catchment parameters related to overland/channel flow, soil/aquifer hydraulic properties, soil erodibility, contaminant loadings, etc. Model setup is greatly enhanced by the use of the US Dept. of Defense Watershed Modeling System (WMS), which serves as an interface between GSSHA and Arc/Info  +
DEM, rainfall, temperature  +
DEM: A DEM in *.flt binary format (as generated by ARC GIS) Search Window Radius: The distance around the centre cell in which to evaluate the means (in pixels). Similarity Window Radius: The distance around neighbouring cells over which to calculate means (in pixels). Degree of filtering: The weighting for the gaussian kernel controlling the strength of filtering and therefore the decay of weights as a function of distance from the centre of the kernel.  +
Daily average solar radiation for location (at surface).  +
Daily climate input (temperatures, precipitation depth, duration, Tp, Ip, wind info); slope input (distance downslope, slope at points, profile width, aspect); soil input (infiltration & erodibility parameters, soil layer depth, texture, organic matter, CEC, etc.; cropping/management input - plant growth parameters, residue decomposition parameters, tillage operation parameters, residue management parameters, dates of operations (planting, harvest, tillage, residue management, etc.); irrigation input - type of irrigation, date(s) of irrigation, application rates, etc.; channel parameters input - channel shape, width, slope, roughness, etc.; impoundment parameters input - type of impoundment (1. Drop Spillway 2. Perforated Riser 3. Culvert 4. Emergency Spillway or Open Channel 5. Rock Fill Check Dam 6. Filter Fence / Straw Bales / Trash Barriers 7. User Specified Stage-Discharge Relationship, parameter inputs specific to each impoundment type; watershed structure file - describes how all hillslopes, channels, and impoundments in a watershed are linked.  +
Daily precipitation, daily evapotranspiration, and short-interval precipitation are required. Short-interval discharge is required for the optimization option and to calibrate the model. These time series are read from a WDM file. Roughness and hydraulics parameters and sub-catchment areas are required to define the basin. Six parameters are required to calculate infiltration and soil-moisture accounting. Up to three rainfall stations may be used. Two soil types may be defined. A total of 99 flow planes, channels, pipes, reservoirs, and junctions may be used to define the basin.  +
Data needs for HSPF can be extensive. HSPF is a continuous simulation program and requires continuous data to drive the simulations. At a minimum, continuous rainfall records are required to drive the runoff model and additional records of evapotranspiration, temperature, and solar intensity are desirable. A large number of model parameters can be specified although default values are provided where reasonable values are available. HSPF is a general-purpose program and special attention has been paid to cases where input parameters are omitted. In addition, option flags allow bypassing of whole sections of the program where data are not available.  +
Data that are used for TELEMAC model runs are: a. Initial condition: A ‘CONSTANT ELEVATION’ is prescribed throughout the model. This initializes the free surface elevation at a constant value supplied by the keyword “INTIAL ELEVATION''. b. Bathymetry. c. Wind Data. d. Tide Data other parameters are given according to the modules are used  +
Described in text files usr_input.txt and usr_IC.txt. Used to specify flow parameters (Re, Vs, ...), geometrical parameters (Lx, Ly, ...) and solver parameters (Nx, Ny)  +
Description: ''Note: See also the GEOMBEST+ Users Guide'', section 6<br> A minimum of four excel files are required to run a GEOMBEST-Plus simulation: an “erosionresponse” file, an “accretionresponse” file, a “run#” file, and a “tract#” file. If the simulation involves a single coastal tract then the files must be titled “erosionresponse”, “accretionreponse”, “run1” file and “tract1.” Quasi-3D simulations require additional files with sequential numbers. For example a simulation involving 3 tracts within a littoral cell also requires a “run2” and “run3” file as well as a “tract2” and “tract3” file. These files must conform to the strict format outlined in the following sections. If you are running multiple simulations of the same tract, you can use the multiple input and output files to keep track of your simulations. Caution: Note that the run# and tract# files will have the same name (tract1, run1, etc., see below) for all simulations and so attention to organization is critical. We suggest noting the changes made in each simulation in a readme file and then moving this file, as well as the input and output folders for each simulation, to a unique folder having an identifying name. Our convention, for example, has been to name each run with using the date and run number on that date as the identifier, e.g., the first simulation run on February 20, 2010 would be titled 02_20_10_01and would be placed in a folder having this name. '''6.1: “erosionresponse” file'''<br> '''6.2: “accretionresponse” file'''<br> '''6.3: “run#” file'''<br> '''6.4: “tract#” file'''  +
Digital elevation model  +
Discharge, channel properties  +
Does not require any input data, but if desired, model can run from files describing sea level and/or the elevations of an existing marsh.  +
Domain dimensions and cell size (regular 2D grid). Initial condition. Locations and rates of sediment and water influxes. Subsidence pattern and rate. Sea level curve. (Presently all boundary conditions are constant, but could vary in space and time in future versions)  +
Domain size/length/spacing, time to run, timestep, hillslope response timescale, baselevel lowering rate, bed erodibility, block erodibility, bed critical shear stress, block critical shear stress, block delivery coefficient, initial block size, roughness length scale, channel width, mean discharge, discharge variability, and data recording time interval.  +
Drainage basin properties (river networks, hypsometry, relief, reservoirs). biophysical parameters (temperature, precipitation, evapo-transpiration, and glacier characteristics).  +
Elevation file and a mask file designating boundary cells, active cells, and inactive cells  +
Excel files. See User's Guide and Moore et al., 2010  +
Excel sheet. User can change initial geometry data (slope at top of breach, initial height of breach face, initial bed slope in quasi-horizontal region, initial location of breach face, initial length of quasi-horizontal region); sediment grain size distribution; sediment properties (bed porosity, breach porosity, bed friction coefficient, wall friction coefficient, submerged specific gravity); and time evolution (time step, number of time steps, initial number of nodes in horizontal, print interval, calculation time).  +
Flow velocity, friction slope, hydraulic radius, and bed roughness  +
For a complete explanation of input parameters please see the WRF-Hydro Technical Description WRF-Hydro requires a number of input files describing the model domain, parameters, initial conditions, hydrologic routing, and when run in a standalone configuration, meteorological forcing files.  +
For every cell in the watershed grid, daily precipitation and air temperature, solar isolation, elevation, slope, flow direction, land use, depths (cm) of USZ (Upper Soil Zone) and LSZ (Lower Soil Zone), available water capacity (%) of USZ and LSZ, soil texture, permeability (cm/h) of USZ and LSZ, Manning's coefficient values, and daily flows (Changsheng He and Thomas E. Croley II, 2007).  +
For sources and sinks, the following information must be provided, each on its own line: ID (source pixel ID as long integer; calendar index) nd (number of durations and flow rates) durations (vector of durations in minutes) flow rates (vector of discharges in m^3/sec) For canals, the following information must be provided, again with each entry on a separate line in the text file: ID1 (start pixel ID as long integer; calendar index) ID2 (end pixel ID as long integer; calendar index) time (travel time between ID1 and ID2, in minutes) nd (number of durations and flow rates) durations (vector of durations in minutes) flow rates (vector of discharges in m^3/sec) Canals are currently assumed to be lossless, so that the flow rates at the two ends are identical, but lagged by the travel time. The behavior of this component is controlled with a configuration (CFG) file, which may point to other files that contain input data. Here is a sample configuration (CFG) file for this component: Method code: 0 Method name: Standard Use sources: 0 Treynor_sources.txt (N/A) Use sinks: 0 Treynor_sinks.txt (N/A) Use canals: 0 Treynor_canals.txt (N/A)  +
GCM initial conditions files (netcdf) files describe initial state of atmosphere up ~km 140  +
GeoTiff, ESRI ASCII digital elevation model  +
Geometric parameters of river reach and erosion capacity.  +
Geometric parameters on delta shapes derived from satellite data. To run this code, the following shape files are required: • network shapefile, containing the river network extracted from satellite imagery • island shapefile, containing the land masses or islands of the delta • patch shapefile, containing the outline of channels  +
Geometrical parameters: Nx, Ny, Nz, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2; Flow parameters: Reynolds, Peclet, Viscosity Ratio; Flags: resume simulation, add wave perturbation.  +
Given a time series of streamflow, additional data variables, and constituent concentration, LOADEST assists the user in developing a regression model for the estimation of constituent load (calibration).  +
Global Parameter File user_def.h File Meteorological Forcing Files Soil Parameter File Vegetation Library File Vegetation Parameter File (Optional) Initial State File (Optional) Elevation Band File (Optional) Lake/Wetland Parameter File  +
Grain size and density  +
Gridded elevation, aquifer base elevation. Hydraulic conductivity, porosity, recharge.  +
HILLSLOPE_LENGTH: length of hillslope, in meters NUMBER_OF_NODES: number of model nodes (initially) EROSION_RATE: slope-normal erosion rate in m/yr THRESHOLD_SLOPE: threshold slope angle (m/m) THROW_RATE: fault throw rate, meters per year FAULT_DIP: fault dip angle, degrees SEISMIC_INTERVAL: Time interval between earthquakes, in years RUN_DURATION: duration of run in years DT: time step duration in years OPT_ERO_VAR: option for time variation in erosion rate AMPLITUDE: amplitude of sinusoidal variation (m/yr) PERIOD: period of sinusoidal variation (yr) PHASE: phase offset for sinusoidal variation (degrees) DEL18O_FILENAME: name of file containing oxygen isotope curve DEL18O_POWER: exponent MIN_ERORATE: OPT_PLOT: option for plotting OPT_EPS_PLOT: option for output to .eps file PLOT_INTERVAL: time interval for plotting, in years  +
INTEGER NXPROB INTEGER TIMESTEPS double precision DIFFUSION double precision DELX,DELT * PARAMETER (NXPROB=1000), c dimension of problem grid * PARAMETER (TIMESTEPS=50000), c number of time steps * PARAMETER (DIFFUSION=1d-3), c metres/year - a very high diffusion value * PARAMETER (DELX=0.1d0), c grid spacing in metres * PARAMETER (DELT=1d0), c time step in years  +
In XML format, the following groups of parameters are specified: simulation control group: total model time, time step, damping, etc. plugins: elasticity, viscoelasticity, temperature solver, etc. domain description group: domain size, element numbers, etc. initial and boundary conditions group  +
Initial bathymetry Boundary conditions Time series of waves, wind, storm surges Various hydrodynamics and sedimentary parameters  +
Initial beach profiles, time series of storm wave heights, periods, and storm water levels  +
Initial bottom configuration, wind and tide characteristics, sea level rise rate, water column sediment concentration at the boundary.  +
Initial coastline curve (array of xy pairs), depth of closure, a time series of wind speeds and angles, sediment grainsize, coastal bluff heights, a variety of configuration flags  +
Initial elevation (z) grid with cell type (A)  +
Initial elevation file. File specifying boundary conditions, run time, process options, and parameter values.  +
Initial land surface (several built-in options), number of timesteps, DEM grid dimensions, DEM grid cell dimensions, R = "geomorphic" rainrate (m/yr), U=uplift rate (mm/yr), BLR = base-level lowering rate (mm/yr), Kf="erodibility coefficient (m^3/yr)^(1-m), m = area/discharge exponent, n = slope exponent, p = area-discharge exponent, toggles for different types of boundary conditions (e.g. periodic), DEM georeferencing info (bounding box, pixel geometry, etc.)  +
Initial topography. Initial subsurface layering, if any. Properties of existing rocks/sediments. Sea-level change curve. Sources of flow and sediment, sources of wave action, boundary conditions Externally imposed vertical tectonics as a function of horizontal position and time  +
Input data are observations of precipitation, air temperature and estimates of potential evapotranspiration.  +
Input file: channel width and depth, a few others  +
Input files for eSCAPE are based on YAML syntax. domain: definition of the unstructured grid containing the vtk grid filename and the associated field (here called Z) as well as the flow direction method to be used flowdir that takes an integer value between 1 (for SFD) and 12 (for Dinf) and the boundary conditions (bc: ‘flat’, ‘fixed’ or ‘slope’) time: the simulation time parameters defined by start, end, tout (the output interval) and dt (the internal time-step). Follows the optional forcing conditions: sea: the sea-level declaration with the relative sea-level position (m) and the sea-level curve which is a file containing 2 columns (time and sea-level position). climatic & tectonic have the same structure with a sequence of events defined by a starting time (start) and either a constant value (uniform) or a map. Then the parameters for the surface processes to simulate: spl: for the stream power law with a unique parameter Ke representing the The erodibility coefficient which is scale-dependent and its value depend on lithology and mean precipitation rate, channel width, flood frequency, channel hydraulics. It is worth noting that the coefficient m and n are fixed in this version and take the value 0.5 & 1 respectively. diffusion: hillslope, stream and marine diffusion coefficients. hillslopeK sets the simple creep transport law which states that transport rate depends linearly on topographic gradient. River transported sediment trapped in inland depressions or internally draining basins are diffused using the coefficient (streamK). The marine sediment are transported based on a diffusion coefficient oceanK. The parameter maxIT specifies the maximum number of steps used for diffusing sediment during any given time interval dt. Finally, you will need to specify the output folder: output: with dir the directory name and the option makedir that gives the possible to delete any existing output folder with the same name (if set to False) or to create a new folder with the give dir name plus a number at the end (e.g. outputDir_1 if set to True)  
Input files: # the NetCDF files from the ROMS hydrodynamic model # a comma delimited file that contains the particle locations, # comma delimited files that contain habitat boundaries for the Settlement Module. The latter is only needed if the Settlement Module is turned on.  +
Input flow directions: 8 bit unsigned integers The numbers corresponding to each of the 9 possible flow directions are shown below: 32 64 128 16 0 1 8 4 2 So a cell with the value '1' means that the flow in that cell goes to the East, while a value of '32' means that the cell's flow goes to the North West. The value '0' implies that the cell is a sink and flow does not leave it Row major order is used.  +
Input is in the form of values per time step for the following variables: files of rain fall, river inlet, sea-level, substratum thickness, tectonics, subsidence, while the model is calibrated through environmental coefficients, threshold slopes, threshold discharge, and set for interval time steps, number of time steps, environmental coefficients (m2/yr) and substratum grain size.  +
Input parameters are provided through several user-supplied files (see the CVPM modeling system user's guide).  +
Input parameters are: * Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the basin * Soil textural and hydraulic information * Vegetation information * Meteorological conditions at a subdaily timestep, in particular precipitation, air temperature, humidity, wind speed, incoming shortwave radiation and incoming longwave radiation * Information about the stream and road network (location, width, etc.)  +
Input parameters belong to five families: * parameters related to flow field * parameters related to the floodplain structure * parameters related to the river geometry * parameters related to the time marching of the simulation * parameters related to the output printing  +
Input parameters: * Geometrical parameters: Nx, Ny, domain size * Flow Parameters: Reynolds, Peclet * Particle Parameters: Settling velocities. The complete list of input parameters is set and described in the file input.inp  +
Input parameters: # Geomety in terms of finite element mesh # matreial properties, # initila conditions, # boundary conditions, # meteogoligcal data, and # reaction networks for biogeochemical transport. Detailed input/output refers to Yeh et al., 2005 Technical Report on WASH123D  +
Input parameters: * DEM * Precipitation * Potential Evapotranspiration  +
Input parameters: *Geometrical parameters: Nx, Ny, Nz. *Grid: Uniform or nonuniform. *Flow Parameters: Reynolds, Peclet *Particle Parameters: Settling velocities. *Flags: Output writing flags. Inflow/Outflow to the domain flags.  +
Input: *Landslide: recurrence interval, size parameters *Cosmogenic: production rate, decay rate, attenuation, density diffusive erosion rate drainage basin size, critical drainage area for a channel *River channel scaling parameters: width, sediment depth, drainage density  +
Inputs include grid definitions, erosion rule parameters, uplift time series, stratigraphic geometry, and rock type and rockfall debris erodibility.  +
It requires the following meteorological parameters: * air temperature (TA) * relative humidity (RH) * wind speed (VW) * incoming short wave radiation (ISWR) and/or reflected short wave radiation (RSWR) * incoming long wave radiation (ILWR) and/or surface temperature (TSS) * precipitation (PSUM) and/or snow height (HS) * ground temperature (TSG, if available. Otherwise, you will have to use MeteoIO's data generators to generate a value) or geothermal heat flux * snow temperatures at various depths (TS1, TS2, etc if available and only for comparisons, see section Snow and/or soil temperatures)  +
Landscape elevation, ELA with time  +
Length of reach, distance between nodes, timestep, number of timesteps, median grain size, elevation of the water surface, slope of initial river bed, Qmax, Xmax, mainning N, Initial elevation, node along X-as at which tectonic elev. Changes start, sediment conc. of lateral inflow, mass feed rate at upstream boundary,  +
Loading distribution, EET, Mantle viscosity  +
Main input parameters: * River velocity, width, depth, and sediment concentration. * Bathymetry  +
Main input parameters: * River velocity, width, depth, and sediment concentration * Bathymetry  +
Main inputs are bathymetry, riverine sediment discharge time-series, and ambient wave and current time-series. Critical velocity for sea bed erosion, bottom drag coefficient and critical bulk Richardson number can also be adjusted.  +
Mangrove properties, Delft3D-FM model  +
Many, see Mudd et al. (2009) ECSS v 82(3) 377-389  +
Marsh vegetation and mudflat sediment characteristics Backbarrier basin width Reference wind speed Tidal range Reference sediment concentration  +
Maximum gradient windspeed 10 m above water (m/s), Radius of maximum wind (km), Pressure difference between eye and ambient (mm Hg), Forward speed of hurricane (m/s), Maximum number of nodes in x direction (postive east), Maximum number of nodes in y direction (positive north), Space step in x direction (m), Space step in y direction (m), X location of eye (m), Y location of eye (m), Storm direction (degrees counterclockwise from east)  +
Maximum number of timesteps over which winds computed, X-dir. position of storm center at beginning, Y-dir. position of storm center at beginning, Storm velocity (m/sec), Storm direction (degrees counterclockwise from east), Pressure at eye (Pascals), Pressure at edge (Pascals), Radius of maximum storm winds(m), Storm radius (m).  +
Measured or artificially generated wave and current forcing. Floc diameter, density. Downslope gravity. Vertical grid mesh. Erodibility. Parameters for Bingham rheology.  +
Microsoft Excel tables  +
Minimum requirements include a river network with link id, downstream link id, upstream drainage area, link length, and link slope. All of these are attributes are included as part of the National Hydrography Dataset Version 2 Plus (NHDV2Plus).  +
Minimum requirements include a river network with link id, downstream link id, upstream drainage area, link length, and link slope. All of these are attributes are included as part of the National Hydrography Dataset Version 2 Plus (NHDV2Plus).  +
Model Inputs: * Project file: Text description of application and input file names and paths. * Catchment (watershed) data file: Watershed and subwatershed topographic index—ln(a/tan B) distributions and the following parameters: ** The mean soil surface transmissivity ** A transmissivity profile decay coefficient ** A root zone storage capacity ** An unsaturated zone time delay ** A main channel routing velocity and internal subwatershed routing velocity To use the infiltration excess mechanism, a hydraulic conductivity (or distribution), a wetting front suction and the initial near surface water content should be added. The initialization of each run requires an initial stream discharge and the root zone deficit. * Hydrological input data file: rainfall, potential evapotranspiration, and observed discharge time series in m/h * Topographic index map data file: the topographic index map may be prepared from a raster digital elevation file using the DTM-ANALYSIS program. This file includes number of pixels in X direction, number of pixels in Y direction, grid size, and topographic index values for each pair of X and Y.  +
Model parameters, cross section geometry, bed material, flow and sediment input  +
Model setup: grid extent and resolution, time stepping and duration. Environmental inputs (from global datasets, automated methods): bathymetry, seawater bottom temperatures, benthic irradiance, seafloor hardness, ocean wave climate Organism characteristics (automated from Knowledge Base): dimensions, construction, reproduction and survivorship  +
Modify input parameters directly in Matlab script Inputs include initial conditions, upstream flow conditions, bifurcation geometry, bypass fraction, sea level (optional), differential subsidence rate (optional)  +
Modify parameter values in Matlab code directly: Water/Sediment discharge; Grid size and grid parameters; Basin geometry; Input sand/mud ratio.  +
Modify parameters in example input file deltaRCM.yaml included in repository. Run with example script Modify water/sediment discharge (as number of parcels), grid size and spacing, basin geometry, mud/sand ratio, etc  +
Multiple parameter files, initial conditions matrices  +
No files required. Sediment composition, vegetation parameters, SLRR, run time, grid size, water and sediment discharge and other similar parameters can be modified directly within the code.  +
Note: See also the GEOMBEST++ Users Guide, section 6 A minimum of four excel files are required to run a GEOMBEST-Plus simulation: an “erosionresponse” file, an “accretionresponse” file, a “run#” file, and a “tract#” file. If the simulation involves a single coastal tract then the files must be titled “erosionresponse”, “accretionreponse”, “run1” file and “tract1.” Caution: Note that the run# and tract# files will have the same name (tract1, run1, etc., see below) for all simulations and so attention to organization is critical.  +
Note: See the GEOMBEST++Seagrass Users Guide, section 6 A minimum of four Microsoft Excel files are required to run a simulation: an “erosionresponse” file, an “accretionresponse” file, a “run#” file, and a “tract#” file. If the simulation involves a single coastal tract then the files must be titled “erosionresponse”, “accretionreponse”, “run1” file and “tract1.” Caution: Note that the run# and tract# files will have the same name (tract1, run1, etc.) for all simulations, so attention to organization is critical.  +
Number of cross sections, Time (s) and space (m) descretisation steps, Chezy friction coefficient (m**1/2 s**-1), Period (s) and amplitude (m) of incoming waves, Number of time steps desired, Channel width at the Ith cross section (m), Still water depth (m)  +
Number of iterations (or links in the chain) Initial parameters from which to start the Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations Hillslope morphology measured from topograph for comparison (in dimensionless E* R* format; see Roering et al. 2007 or Hurst et al. 2012).  +
Open channel geometry, discharge at its head, flow elevation at its terminus  +
OpenFOAM needs to read a range of data structures such as strings, scalars, vectors, tensors, lists and fields. The input/output (I/O) format of files is designed to be extremely flexible to enable the user to modify the I/O in OpenFOAM applications as easily as possible. See also user manual  +
PIHM is an integrated finite volume hydrologic model. It simulates channel routing, overland flow and groundwater flow in fully coupled scheme. It uses semi-discrete Finite Volume approach to discretize PDE (equations governing physical processes) into ODE to form a system of ODEs and solved with SUNDIALS solver (LBL).<br>PIHM incorporates an object-oriented model data structure which provides extensibility and efficient storage of data at the same time. PIHM v2.0 requires the following input files: * projectName.txt : This file will have the project name as its content. * .mesh File : Spatial information of Nodes and Irregular Meshes (TINs) * .att File : Attribute defining different classes an element belongs to * .soil File : Soil properties * .geol : Geologic properties * .lc file : Vegetation parameters of different land cover types * .riv file : Spatial, geometry and material information of river segments * .forc file : All the forcing variables (forcing time-series) * .ibc file : Boundary condition information for elements * .para file : Control parameters (solver options; model modes; error control) * .init : If initial condition input is through a file * .calib : Calibration parameters and process controls  +
Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid channel__mask : Array that holds 1's where channels exist and 0's elsewhere area_coefficient : coefficient to multiply drainage area by, for calculating channelization threshold slope_coefficient : coefficient to multiply slope by, for calculating channelization threshold area_exponent : exponent to raise drainage area to, for calculating channelization threshold slope_exponent : exponent to raise slope to, for calculating channelization threshold channelization_threshold : threshold value above which channels exist  +
Parameters: # Spatial # Temporal # Initial 'basement' topography # Relative sea level curve # Climate (arid, temperate, humid) # Latitude  +
Parameters: *A(I,J) - Angle between flow and grid coordinates {SG} *Ab(I) - Breaker angle {2} *ACENT - Angle of wave climate central tendency (0 is for crests parallel to the lower boundary) *ASTORM - Angle of dominant waves *Aw(I,J) - Angle between wave propagation & onshore direction {2} *Beta - Scales the exponent in the wave-drift *CK - Coef.scales rate of gravity-driven upper shoreface sed flux (3) *DELTAX - Longshore grid cell dimension (SG) *DELTAY - Cross-shore grid cell dimension (SG) *DC(I,J) - Cross-shore diff. flow coords.{1} *DCyyy - Controls the slope of the cross-shore diffusion coef. when it is *computed from a linear eqn. *DCzero - The offset in the above relationship *DCmax - Max. Limit for the cross-shore diff. coef. *DL(I,J) - Longshore diff. flow coords. {1} *DLyyy - Slope of the longshore diff. coef. *DLzero - Offset of the above. *DLmax - Max. Limit for the long-shore diff. coef. *DT - Time step in years *EDFACT - Controls relative converge/divergence of waves due to refraction (should mimic RFACT) *GFACT - Factor for the K(Cn)/(delrho)ga in the ls transp.eqn. *H(I,J,iTime) - Depths in grid, fill index in surf-zone cells {SG} *Hmax - Max.(ie. most negative) depth in the surf zone cell (SG) *Hmin - Min. depth in the surf zone cell (SG) *IMAX - Number of grid cells in the shore parallel direction(SG) *JMAX - Number of grid cells in the cross-shore direction(SG) *JSHORE(I) - Most landward ocean cell - surf-zone cell(SG) *K1 - Scales the diff. sed. transport *MFACT - Scales the wave-energy density of general wave climate *NFACT - Scales the wave-energy density of the dominant waves *PORE - Sediment porosity *SANGLE(I) - - Tangent angle along the shoreline {SG} *Scr - The critical slope of the upper shoreface cell (JSHORE-1) *SHOAL(I) - Relative convergence/div of wave-energy density due to refraction *RFACT - Contols the relative ray-bending due to refraction *Wo - Scales the wave-drift sed. trans. *XSHORE(I) - X-coord. of the continuous shoreline {SG} *YSHORE(I) - Y-coord. of the continuous shoreline {SG} *YOFF(I,iTime) - offset between the surf-zone cell center and the continuous shoreline (can be positive or negative){SG}  
Parameters: *Sealevel curve *subsidence *rainfall (variable through time) *multiple rivers with variable discharge and sediment load through time *initial topography *wind velocity and direction/or wave height and propagation direction *marine current velocity and location *sediment transport parameters *number of grainsizes, grainsize dimensions and density *fluvial channel dimensions  +
Please see:  +
Precipitation  +
Precipitation, temperature, and geographical data  +
Probability density function of stream-avulsion angles  +
Production and subsidence rates, cellular automata rules (number of seed neighbours etc), sea-level history  +
Proportion by mass of each size-density fraction in the bed, instantaneous turbulent grain shear velocities, critical shear stresses of each size-density fraction  +
Raster at ArcGIS ASCII format 1. contributing area (m2) 2. topographic slope (%) 3. flow direction (ArcGIS coding) Tables: 4. initial surface particle size distribution (PSD) 5. aeolian PSD (optional) 6. climate fluctuations (optional) Text: 7. input parameters  +
Rasters containing the relative area of a specific land use (e.g. cropland) in the past (e.g. 1960, 1980, 1990, 2005). A table of historic and predicted global population.  +
Reach hydraulic parameters (e.g. slope, sediment grain size, critical shear stresses, Chezy coefficient, bed macro-roughness, sediment supply rate, length, channel width, flood intermittency factor, etc.)  +
Requires an input file called: radin_dailyavg.mat This specifies the daily average incoming radiation.  +
River hydrology is described with a flow duration curve, the mean annual sand load is specified, the mean annual mud load is computed with a user-specified rating curve, characteristic sand and mud grain size, friction coefficients for the channel and for the floodplain and other model parameters described in the excel caclulator  +
River mouth characteristics (velocity, width, depth, concentration) averaged daily, or longer. Initial bathymetry. Input sediment distribution and properties of each grain type. Optionally, any of: tectonics, sea level, wave climate, and currents  +
River velocity, width, depth; Sediment concentrations  +
SPARROW modeling requires the integration of many types of geospatial data for use as explanatory variables which are considered as either constituent sources or delivery factors. Sources might include certain land types such as urban area, or known contaminant sources such as sewage treatment plants. Delivery terms can include any basin characteristic that may be associated with natural attenuation. For example, denitrification is often associated with certain soil characteristics and the spatial pattern of those soil characteristics is often related to that of constituent loads. In some cases delivery terms might also be associated with enhanced delivery. For example, high basin slope might cause more rapid flows which could increase the delivery of constituents. Delivery is also influenced by the water time of travel in streams, which can be estimated from published USGS time-of-travel studies (e.g., Reed and Stuckey, 2001).  +
SPM parameters (Kf, Kd, lf, etc) geomtrical and other parameters imposed by modifying the code  +
Sea Level Rise rate (mm/yr), upland slope (unitless), suspended sediment concentration (external supply) (mg/L), length of simulation (years)  +
Sea level curve; rate of lagoonal deposition; rate of overwash; initial shelf profile. The stratigraphic data are organized in a matrix of integers. Every matrix entry corresponds to a stratigraphic unit (bedrock, overwash, transitional, shoreface, aeolian and lagoonal).  +
Sealevel, Subsidence, Start Time, End Time, Sedimentation Rates, Initial basin surface  +
Sediment availability, vegetation characteristics, tidal forcing, rate of relative sea level rise, tidal network configuration and marsh topography if an actual domain is considered.  +
Sediment porosity, closest-packed porosity, compaction coefficient  +
See 'rescal_snow_inputs' in docs  +
See documentation.  +
See documentation:  +
See documentation:  +
See documentation:  +
See manual  +
See paper  +
See the readme file.  +
See website, too many to describe:  +
See:  +
Several, as defined in wrapper script  +
Shoreline position, time series of offshore wave height, period, and direction. Coastal structures and their physical attributes. Optionally, nearshore wave information from an external wave model.  +
Simulation time (t) and time step (dt), Initial grid size and slope, Incoming discharge and sediment load (t), Sea level (t), no of grain size classes, grain size distribution, grain size. Sediment transport coeficients  +
Simulation time and time step, Initial profile, Stochastic sediment input (t), Sea level (t), Sediment transport parameters (i.e. travel distances)  +
Slope Data: Slope of each cell, used to calculate partial changes in cell composition. As derived from the Digital Elevation Map. (units are degrees) • DEM Data: Digital Elevation Map data. Preferrable derived from LiDAR. Contour data (from the National Elevation Database, for example) are typically inappropriate to use for calculating sea level rise effects but serve as data in areas where more precise data are not available ( in this case the elevation preprocessor module may be used). (units are meters) • NWI Data: National Wetlands Inventory categories. Dominant wetland category for each cell is converted into SLAMM categories. This is also used to refine elevation estimates for each cell. Table 4 provides the crosswalk information for Cowardin codes to SLAMM categories • Dike Data: Boolean defining whether each cell is protected by dikes or not. This is available as an attribute of the NWI data, special modifier “h.” • IMP Data: Percent impervious raster, derived from National Land Cover Dataset. Dry land with percent impervious greater than 25% is assumed to be “developed dry land.”  +
Source inputs consist of global, spatially distributed (GIS) raster datasets: hydrological properties (river basin systems, runoff, reservoirs, irrigation, rainfall), topographic slope, land use, agricultural N & P inputs (fertilizer, manure), atmospheric N deposition, sewage, N fixation, etc.  +
Spatial-temporal mean bed fluid shear stress  +
Standard input parameter files (ascii). For some conditions, also require additional binary file specifying boundary configuration.  +
Staring grid topography and vegetation maps, control parameters such as potential transport rates, vegetation response functions  +
Stratigraphic parameters : basin deformation(eustatic curve, subsidence maps, compaction, flexure), supply (boundary conditions, rain fall, carbonate production), transport (waves, water and gravity transport, slope failure)  +
Surface mass balance, (precipitation, evaporation, runoff), Mean annual air temperature above the ice, Eustatic sea level, Geothermal heat flux.  +
Surface mass balance, Ice thickness, and ice flow  +
Surface wave height and period or surface winds as well as water depth.  +
TCL script, many physical and numerical parameters needed.  +
The Rippl function executes the sequent peak algorithm to determine the no-fail storage for given inflow and release time series. The storage function gives the design storage for a specified timebased reliability and yield. Similarly, the yield function computes yield given the storage capacity. The rrv function returns three reliability measures, relilience, and dimensionless vulnerability for given storage, inflow time series, and target release. Users can assume Standard Operating Policy, or can apply the output of sdp analysis to determine the RRV metrics under different operating objectives. The Hurst function estimates the Hurst coefficient for an annualized inflow time series.  +
The area to be simulated has to be described (DEM, landuse). The meteorological input data (air temperature, relative humidity, precipitations...) have to be described (units, interpolations types). Some parameters about the model itself must be given (precision of the radiation ray tracing algorithms, characteristic lengths, parameters for a bucket model of runoff...)  +
The bathymetry, current, water level, bottom friction and wind (if spatially variable) need to be provided to SWAN on so-called input grids. It is best to make an input grid so large that it completely covers the computational grid.  +
The behavior of this component is controlled with a configuration (CFG) file, which may point to other files that contain input data. Here is a sample configuration (CFG) file for this component: Method code: 1 Method name: Read_from_binary_file Time step: Scalar 10800.00000000 (sec) ET rate: Grid_Sequence Space-time_Rain_Test/Rain_TEST.rts (mm/hr)  +
The default climate dataset used by OGGM is the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) TS v4.01 dataset  +
The input data for WOFOST consists of three categories: 1. Daily weather variables (temperature, radiation, precipitation, humidity, windspeed) 2. Parameters for the crop, soil and site 3. Agromanagement information related to the cropping practices: sowing, harvesting, irrigation, nutrient application, etc. How these inputs are provided to the model depends on the implementation.  +
The input file is a DEM in .flt format. A driver text file is also required which contains the parameters used for the extraction.  +