Instructions for installing and configuring a WMT executor on blanca.
--Mpiper (talk) 16:48, 19 March 2018 (MDT)
Set build environment on blanca
Login to summit.
Get the corrent slurm for blanca.
module load slurm/blanca
Login to a compute node.
Build everything on the compute node.
Set install directory
The install directory for this executor is /work/csdms/wmt/permafrost.
install_dir=/work/csdms/wmt/permafrost mkdir -p $install_dir
Make sure read and execute bits are set on this directory.
chmod 0775 $install_dir
Install Python
Install a Python distribution to be used locally by WMT. We like to use Miniconda.
cd $install_dir curl -o bash ./ -f -b -p $(pwd)/conda export PATH=$(pwd)/conda/bin:$PATH
If working with an existing Miniconda install, be sure to update everything before continuing:
conda update conda conda update --all
Install the CSDMS software stack
Install the base of the CSDMS software stack, including the `babelizer` for components that need to be built from source.
Note that the `netcdf-fortran` package needs to be wound back so that HDF5 1.8.18 is used because of problems with HDF5 1.10.1 and ESMF, used in PyMT (see discussion here).
Also note I used a tagged version of PyMT because there have been a lot of changes to it since I built the conda recipes for the permamodel models.
conda install cca-tools babelizer pymt==0.2 netcdf-fortran=4.4.4=5 -c csdms-stack -c defaults -c conda-forge
Alternately, use the requirements file listed here.
Optionally install IPython for testing.
conda install ipython
Note that when running IPython remotely on siwenna, it's helpful to set
Install executor software
Load blanca's `git` module.
module load git
Install the `wmt-exe` package from source.
mkdir -p $install_dir/opt && cd $install_dir/opt git clone cd wmt-exe python develop
Create a site configuration file that describes the executor and symlink it to the executor's etc/ diectory.
work_dir="/rc_scratch/$USER/wmt/permafrost" python configure --wmt-prefix=$install_dir --launch-dir=$work_dir --exec-dir=$work_dir #ln -s "$(realpath wmt.cfg)" $install_dir/conda/etc # "realpath" not installed on blanca :( cd $install_dir/conda/etc ln -s $install_dir/opt/wmt-exe/wmt.cfg
Check that `$USER` didn't get expanded in the file. Lines 10-11 should be:
exec_dir = /rc_scratch/$USER/wmt/permafrost launch_dir = /rc_scratch/$USER/wmt/permafrost
Note that we're using /rc_scratch for the launch and execution directories instead of the default ~/.wmt. Also note that we needed an SbatchLauncher class for wmt-exe because blanca uses Slurm instead of Torque for job control.
Install and test CSDMS components
Each section below describes how to install and test a particular CSDMS component.
Currently installed components:
- FrostNumberGeoModel
- FrostNumberModel
- KuGeoModel
- KuModel
Install the permamodel components from the Bakery using the `csdms-permamodel` metapackage.
conda install csdms-permamodel -c csdms-stack
This metapackage contains
- csdms-permamodel-ku
- csdms-permamodel-frostnumber
- csdms-permamodel-kugeo
- csdms-permamodel-frostnumbergeo
- csdms-cruaktemp
Test a component (here, FnM) by starting a Python session in $install_dir/test in an interactive Slurm session and executing the setup and IRF methods.
from pymt.components import FrostNumberModel comp = FrostNumberModel() comp.get_component_name() # args = comp.setup('.') # comp.initialize(*args) comp.setup('.') comp.initialize('frostnumber_model.cfg') comp.get_start_time() comp.get_end_time() comp.get_current_time() comp.update() comp.finalize()
Check the ouput of the run
$ cat frostnumber_output.dat Year: 2000 output=('0.396', '-1.000', '-1.000')
Install the CMIP component through its conda recipe.
conda install csdms-cmip -c csdms-stack -c defaults -c conda-forge
Download the sample config file and test the CMIP component by starting a Python session in $install_dir/test and executing the setup and IRF methods.
from pymt.components import CMIP comp = CMIP() comp.get_component_name() comp.initialize('sample_cmip-blanca.cfg') comp.get_start_time() comp.get_end_time() comp.get_current_time() comp.update() comp.get_current_time() comp.update_until(comp.get_end_time()) comp.get_current_time() comp.finalize()