

Land-Use Change, Climate Change, and Hydrologic Extremes: Unsaturated Zone Responses and Feedbacks
University of Florida
Gainesville Florida, United States
04 - 06 April 2017
All UZIG members and affiliates are encouraged to participate in the 2017 Unsaturated Zone Interest Group (UZIG) workshop, a 3-day stand-alone event hosted by the University of Florida. The workshop will consist of 2 days (total) of oral and poster sessions split around a full-day field trip. The workshop will promote the collaborative sharing of ideas, research results, and technical expertise in a friendly informal setting. Its main objective will be to advance unsaturated-zone science by fostering lively exchange of information on emerging theories, data, and technology across research groups.

Submissions on topics related to the theme as well as any other unsaturated-zone topic are welcome.

As with previous UZIG meetings, we are planning to publish accounts of original research presented at this workshop in the peer-reviewed literature. Presenters at the 2017 UZIG Workshop will be invited to submit manuscripts for publication consideration as part of special collections in the Journal of Hydrology—Regional Studies (for place-focused studies) and Vadose Zone Journal (for process-focused studies). The sign-up form includes a checkbox to indicate interest in either of these publication options.